Jack (holding his phone): Since we're not done here, let's ask Zara to take over on that end. Jack: Can you recover the rest of the tag, ? Disclaimer: You see, we 'ave discovered zat you, uh... argued with ze victim! Neha: Yes, Mr Arnault was a wonderful boss - always keen to reward employees for their hard work! Press Conference following the death of William Sendelbach. It's so tragic. I... can't believe he's gone! Orlando: I'm not clear on how he did it, but he made sure that the descendants of the Ptolemian Cleopatra and Mark Antony remained on the throne... It's the perfect opportunity for us to snoop around! And actually, that's not why we're here. He said in a statement that he had informed the attorney general of the decision a month earlier and had “accepted an offer for a position in the private sector.” He gave formal resignation letters to the president and the attorney general on Oct. 5, and his last day was Friday. Take this and keep it close, . Analyze Audio Bug. I'm just so sad Mr Arnault won't be here to see it! And if anybody asks, we're just taking a breather before rejoining the party! Kai: Maybe my findings on this audio bug will help! Orlando: Then our next priority should be finding it! Amy: In the meantime, the resistance has equipped us with new weapons. Jack: Thank goodness he didn't recognize us! Question Philip Ramsey about the victim. I couldn't believe Mr Arnault had agreed to such a thing! Jack: So Isabelle must've sent Chef Ramsey to keep an eye on us at the party! Jack: So Monsieur Arnault visited ze kitchen? What was his name again? Examine Photo Booth. Solving this murder gives us the perfect excuse to look into him! We're sending Ammon's diary to Orlando. Jack: , if Ammon does that, we'll never get the chance to properly look around his apartment! Analyze Ammon's Diary. Jack: And did you see Monsieur Arnault zis evening, prior to ze murder? But what 'appened 'ere? Kai'll be able to tell us, let's get the bug to him! Jack: Good thinking, if the key is at Ammon's, the chef from the resistance might've seen it. We took Nebet in and treated her like one of us... Examine Photo. Jack: So, our killer's blood type is A-, is it? Six police officers executed a search warrant in an apartment shared by Defendant, Patricia Bash, her husband, Kevin, and her three sons. Jack: It's a lot to wrap my head around, but work's a good distraction. Before Bash’s appointment, Kupec had said that a different federal prosecutor, John Durham in Connecticut, also had been looking at unmasking as part of his broader investigation into the FBI’s 2016 probe of whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the election. Jack: , let's get that blood you collected from the victim's bow tie to Theo! Jack: And a handbag always makes for an interesting clue! See why Eugene Donkin is causing a scene. Investigate Party Buffet. Theo: But since they missed some minute traces of your victim's brain matter, I can confirm that the statue is your murder weapon! The list included the names of more than three dozen former Obama administration officials. Jack: And if you think those statue pieces might prove interesting, let's put them back together! I won't let you go ahead with this!" When I am cooking, the world around me becomes silent! I was only protecting myself! Then let's take a look! The chef, who was in the next room, claims not to have heard anything suspicious. Jack: , what was that magazine doing among those throw pillows? Zara: We were wondering if you might have any idea of where we should start looking for our time machine? Eugene: There's a killer among us! Theo: Yes, which means that it's definitely your killer who discarded the bow tie on the roof! Maj. Gen. Debold Sinas, the embattled chief of the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO), will stay on duty despite a criminal case lodged against him for violating social distancing rules at a recent birthday gathering, the chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP) said today. I decided to take that case to trial. Jack (sweating): Oui, Monsieur Bast? Eugene: He was the perfect example of how the Ptolemy Dynasty rewards entrepreneurialism. Analyze Blood. Jack: We've since found Chief Scott dead, befriended the resistance... You never know when you might need it! Jack: As for that piece of paper, that looks like one of Gypt Technologies' under-the-skin chips taped to it! Jack: It sounded like it came from the roof! Dear Mr Ambassador, let me guess, you've had a touch too much free champagne? Ammon: No death penalty? You'll have to look around for it... help yourself to a bite in the meantime! Jack: Anyway, our only hope now is to try and put everything right by figuring out how Ammon changed history. Ammon: I briefly congratulated him on the launch of the new GyptChip. I cannot imagine what zis will do to our countries' relations! Now excuse me, Mr Ambassador, but I need another glass of champagne if I'm to get through this evening! Nefertiti: I'll reveal that I stowed away when the time is right. Zara: Right, I heard about Sirius. But I was called away to double check the security arrangements... Judge Jason Luong ruled that the securities fraud case should continue in Collin County, north of Dallas, siding with Paxton's defense attorneys who argued the case should be returned there after it was moved to … He might've used that photo booth to do it! Ammon: Mr Ambassador, General . Jack: Thanks to our disguises as French diplomats, Ammon has left us in charge of investigating the Frenchman's death. Kai'll tell us if they recorded anything interesting! How can I enjoy my ta'meya knowing I might be struck down at any moment? Jack: , this message reads, "I know the truth, Gérard! Zara: Hello? So be on the lookout for a blunt object, ! It's all too easy to develop a dad bod at my age! But only because he was going to condemn me to the same fate! Let's look inside to see who it belongs to! One of the partygoers could come downstairs at any moment! Jack: Madame, you told us earlier zat you didn't know ze victim personally. Jack: And if you want to look through those throw pillows, I won't stop you! Amy: But now that we're in this situation, all we can do is focus on getting out of it. Jack: But the party he was hosting for the launch of the new GyptChip was interrupted by the murder of Gypt Technologies' French CEO, Gérard Arnault! Kai: , are you getting any closer to figuring out how exactly Nebet and Ammon manipulated history in the Ptolemys' favor? Eugene: I was presenting him with an award for his contribution to the tech industry when I made a joke about him being more full of hot air than my hookah pipe. Jack: We need to get to the bottom of this, . Janis: But that's not all. Before being nominated as the U.S. attorney, Bash worked in the Solicitor General’s Office and as an associate counsel to Trump. Start of footage... Jack: How are you doing, Orlando? Zara: Right, like the battle of Waterloo! Jack: This is our chance to find Gérard's killer and earn Ammon's trust so we can snoop around, . This is a most unconventional request... Ammon: I think Mr Arnault said something about heading to the kitchen, if I'm not mistaken. European Plans for ‘Vaccine Passports’ Were in Place 20 Months Prior to the Pandemic. I can't believe there was a time when we thought our biggest problem was getting home! There WAS something in that pastry tower - a listening device! Eugene: For a long time, I took it in my stride. Jack: , it's crucial we wrap up this investigation so we can take a closer look around Ammon's apartment. It's absolutely divine. Examine Gift Box. Theo: And your killer must've caught themselves on a sharp edge as they wiped the pieces clean, because they left traces of A- blood on the statue! I would never befoul a cat statue in such a manner! Have you seen it? Jack: Let's put that powder under the microscope to find out! Jack: Look, it's some kind of gossip magazine. Jack: ... because we need to learn more about how he and Nebet changed history, so we can fix it! Jack: But the party he's hosting for the launch of Gypt Technologies' new GyptChip was interrupted by the CEO's murder! Zara: No, no. Jack: Let's assemble them to see if it's the key Nebet entrusted to Ammon! We'll need to ask you some questions in a moment. Amy: We came back to discover that the USA is now under the control of the Egyptian Empire, ruled by the totalitarian Ptolemy Dynasty... Now, go see if Sirius has any leads on where we might find our time machine! Jack: , those pieces the chef found hidden in Ammon's room DO form the key Nebet gave him for safekeeping! These looks won't last forever... especially not with the amount of hookah I smoke! I simply reminded him that insulting a government official goes against the constitution and then I smoked my hookah pipe to calm down! The prospect of the case dragging on with lawyers presenting arguments for Flynn's continued prosecution met with quick resistance from Flynn's defense. Gérard had it in for me. Though “unmasking” is common and appropriate because it allows government officials to better understand a document they are reading, Trump and others suggested the list of requests that ultimately revealed Flynn’s name showed wrongdoing. End of footage... I can barely believe how much everything has changed, but it's perfect. Maj. Gen. Debold Sinas, the embattled chief of the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO), will stay on duty despite a criminal case lodged against him for violating social distancing rules at a recent birthday gathering, the chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP) said today. Have you found anything which might tell us who bashed our French tech CEO over the head? Jack: Do not play wiz us, Monsieur Donkin! She's believed to watch over the deceased in their tombs... Jack: ... which means we now have the perfect opportunity to snoop around his place while the party goes on upstairs! Eugene: But I didn't mean it! Jack: You waited for Monsieur Arnault to take a break from ze party... so zat you could sneak up on 'im and bash 'im over ze 'ead wiz zat cat statue! Jack: And since the victim visited the kitchen before his murder, this chef might've spoken to him! Jack (with Eugene): Monsieur Bast, we are 'appy to report zat we 'ave identified Monsieur Arnault's killer! Orlando: ... before cementing ties with other monarchies by marrying these descendants to kings and queens around the world! Through these years, Mr. Bash focused on doing legal research and writing, investigating appellate briefs and case records, preparing a draft of opinions, and other duties. Ask Safiya Hanif why she damaged the victim's watch. Jack: ... which means we should try and get our hands on it! Ammon: Mr Arnault might've made New Cairo his home many years ago when he founded Gypt Technologies, but I know he remained French at heart. Kai: See, Ammon regularly traveled to whatever time Nebet was in so they could touch base. Safiya: Anyway, I'm sure you know all this already, Mr Ambassador. I'd suggest speaking to the resistance leader, but I heard that she's off on a mission. You two were so close! “I appreciate his service to our nation and to the Justice Department, and I wish him the very best,” Barr said. Investigate Kitchen Counter. Jack: You were right, ! Jack: "We"? He's promised to reward you for everything you've done for us... but I have another favor to ask. We'll be sure to smoke them out! Jack: And you did not 'ear any strange noises coming from ze lounge after zat? Analyze Hard Drive Label. That must be Isabelle Huxley, leader of the resistance! His behavior was odd, to say the least! We cannot confirm the completeness or accuracy of this information. Let's get the statue to him! Jack: I still don't want to believe it, . I'll check in with Orlando once he's looked at the diary! Surely our time together meant something to her! Jack: But who bashed Gypt Technologies CEO, Gérard Arnault, over the head with a blunt object? Janis: Since your victim had no traces of ta'meya in his stomach, it must've come from your killer! He was rich, intelligent... and did I mention rich? Jack: The last photo taken on that photo booth DOES feature our victim, ! Jack: And you're right - those smart glasses have the victim's initials on them! It's never been my forte! We need to solve this murder before we can take a proper look around Ammon's apartment! The Post reported in January that the inquiry had effectively ended with no tangible results. Philip: But I'm afraid the guests are waiting for dessert, ! (Eugene sweats, blushes.) Jack: And he was talking to someone called Isabelle. And that key might be crucial to doing so! I trust you're here to report that you've found the culprit? It was YOU who killed Gérard Arnault?! The resistance has ties to a journalist who works for Sphinx News. Ammon: But Mr Arnault undermined my authority at every turn! Jack: We need to tread carefully here, . Eugene: And now he's dead! Egypt didn't even fight in our timeline, let alone win it! Amy: The one thing we do know is that she didn't do all this alone. Pretending you were afraid of ze killer striking again on ze roof! Orlando: And not only was trade crucial for a country to be able to spread its influence... it also allowed a nation to generate riches beyond imagination! Amy: , it sounds like Nebet must've been laughing behind our backs as she and Ammon concocted their schemes! So we're focusing on learning more about Ammon Bast, the individual who worked with her and sabotaged our time machine! I left him, and the next time I saw him, he was dead! Life is beautiful - why ever would I murder someone? Jack: That powder you collected from the victim's damaged watch is nail polish powder, . You'd better head back and ensure we win Waterloo! Ammon: But if it means cementing the special relationship New Cairo has with France, I shall accept it! Jack: I don't know how much longer I can keep up this French accent, . Amy: I still feel responsible for this mess, . Theo: Well, the killer clearly tried to wipe the statue clean... Jack: We're on the homestretch here, Janis. Jack: The label on this hard drive reads, "Nefertiti's logs"! Jack: And if this key has some significance to her, we should hold onto it! Jack: We're closing in on Gérard's killer, , I can feel it! We must stay on Ammon's good side so we can investigate him... Jack Archer: , we disguised ourselves as French dignitaries to infiltrate the Gypt Technologies launch party hosted by Ammon Bast, our time machine saboteur... Kai: ... and you'll want to hear this! Janis: , I can't help but wonder if Nebet feels guilty for what she did. Jack: He hardly seemed like the victim's biggest fan, though, Unlike Gérard's assistant, who sung his praises! Sirius: I can't help but feel that I offended him somehow. I just met him tonight. Are you a friend of 'is? . Jack Archer: , whoever this guy is, he's definitely dead. Ammon: Mr Ambassador, General ! Amy: , we're off to Sphinx News to speak with Mr Kebu! We know you know who we are. Jack: At least Ammon has everyone up on the roof for the moment. He'll be on the roof with the other guests - let's question him! “I’m talking with 50-year sentences,” Trump said in an interview with Fox Business Network. Jack: ... and while I'd be happy never to hear anything about Nebet again, this hard drive might reveal everything she lied to us about! Confront Philip Ramsey about spying on us for the resistance. We shall take a look there for clues! Philip: I hope you brought me down here to tell me I can get back to my cooking, Mr Ambassador? Jack: And did you, uh... punish 'im for 'is impudence? Kai: This is going to make for uncomfortable viewing, , but it contains recordings of Nebet's conversations with Ammon while she was on our time machine! Examine Bloody Cloth. At the party... Amy: But first, we need our time machine back. Ammon: Let's hope so. Ciao! All he was guilty of was coming to New Cairo, working hard and making something of himself! That's the shade that partygoer Safiya Hanif was wearing! Ask Philip Ramsey if he's seen Nebet's key. Jack: , I'd love to ask Isabelle about this. In the meantime, can you confirm the blood from the bow tie was our victim's? That'll narrow down the suspect list, ! But she must've played some part in keeping us away from the present while her family rose to power through the ages! Ammon: I've worked harder than either he or you could ever imagine to get to where I am today! Eugene: He'd hated me ever since, always taking the opportunity to bad mouth me in front of others... He's one of the more knowledgeable people around here. And I live my life according to the constitution, so I have nothing to fear! Jack: I 'ave made a... 'ow you say... miraculous recovery! Philip: I told Mr Arnault that the French wouldn't know fine dining if it hit them in the face and he took my award and threw it on the floor! Let's update Amy on everything that's gone on! Jack: Zis is very bad indeed! Jack: But Neha heaped praise on Gérard when we spoke to her earlier! Analyze Cat Statue. Examine Broken Statue. Eugene: Please, Ammon, I can explain! Jack Archer: , we're still reeling from the discovery that Nebet was actually a time traveler working to keep us from returning to the present while her family rose to power. Investigate Kitchen. Orlando: You recall how Chief Scott noticed that some famous battles inexplicably involved Egypt? That looks like Ammon's diary in the safe! Orlando: And what's more, it also means that your killer knows the constitution of New Cairo! Talk to Safiya Hanif about the photo with the victim. Jack: You weren't kidding... Nebet was in touch with Ammon this whole time! 11/11) Criminal Complaint UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the United States of America ) v. Kenneth BASH, Stephanie MADSEN, Robert EVERSOLE, Todd MORGAN, Marlon PALMER, James ARMSTRONG, Samantha BOOTH, David ZACHOCKI, , Jacob RENSHAW, Amanda GOURLEY, Regina BROOMALL, Geoffrey GUESS, Angel LOPEZ, and Joseph MCWILLIAMS A courtroom descended into chaos when a teen accused of driving a stolen car that killed a young woman called the magistrate a ‘c**t’ and threatened to bash her. Sign the petition to federal parliament to prevent rolling out of discriminatory vaccine passports, Naomi Wolf — Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever, 2020/04/02nd – Lockdowns accelerate 5G rollout across Australia, CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS & EXTRATERRITORIAL ENFORCEMENT, 2,050 cases where Vaccine targets COVID-19 (COVID19) and Patient Died. Investigate Rooftop Party. Orlando: Might I suggest you talk to my... to Sirius instead? I'm sure it goes against my constitutional rights! I couldn't figure out why, until I helped him adjust his wristwatch earlier tonight... It takes place in Altered Present. Eugene: So I decided to get my own back by doing that interview! Amy: But I'm intrigued by this key she gave him for safekeeping. Your killer clearly wanted to be sure that your victim was dead, because judging by the creases on his shirt, they removed his bow tie to check the pulse in his neck. Jack: , I'm not entirely sure what this means, but it sounds like someone was threatening our victim! Jack: Clearly they were close, so let's speak to this Neha, ! Wabash Police met with The Paper of Wabash County on Tuesday afternoon to discuss the event, which took place shortly after 8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 31. After all, people came here for a party! Examine Pink Powder. Orlando will be able to confirm! Now I need to get back upstairs before people start asking questions! Examine Locked Safe. Jack: And you're right! Jack: We need- I criticized our beloved and most devout Ramses XLIII! Amy: But the ruthless dictators, the Ptolemys, are still after us! Coincidence. 286/2018 under sections 20B, 153A and 198 of IPC at Geeta Nagar Police station, Assam. Neha: Take the new GyptChip, for example. Does the Australia Act grant Extraterritorial operation beyond Power? Jack: And Eugene mentioned that the victim was taking photos before his murder. “That principle forecloses the controlling role the Ninth Circuit took on in this case. Ammon: I'll confine everyone to the rooftop while you investigate! Neha: But I recently discovered that the new GyptChip had a hidden functionality allowing the government to track every one of our users... Her whole innocent stowaway act was just that - an act! In addition to a press release on the matter, they also provided two WPD case reports regarding the Aug. 31 incident and a separate incident that took place earlier in the month. But I'm sure that undoing whatever he did is the key to restoring the original timeline, ! We found 'is gift to you. I was just frustrated that my latest idea for a talk show had been rejected! Interrogate Eugene Donkin about his feud with the victim. Ammon: Ramses XLIII will have your head once he hears what you've done! Jack: ... but this whole time, she was just setting us up! Ammon: I require an update on your progress! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!! Eugene: It WAS a fine performance, was it not? I saw him passing by and thought it'd be fun to get a photo with a famous person! No annual Christmas bash for the Cherians this year #FitnessFirst: A 26km cyclothon organised to promote cycling as a means to stay fit Virtual edition of Japanese film festival begins today Nefertiti (holding a key): I need you to keep this key safe at all costs! ‘In both civil and criminal cases, . Let's search the drawer! Analyze Smart Glasses. . Jack: And what were you doing in zis recording? I was under the impression that you were too sick to attend tonight's party! Philip: And worst of all, he wanted me to change it to frog legs! Eugene: Alright, you got me, I killed Gérard! Janis: What's more, by removing some of the blood from the fibers, I ascertained that they had been dyed gold! Jack: It reads, "Repent your sins to Meretseger while you still can, Gérard. Jack (whispering): Remember, , Ammon thinks I'm the French ambassador and you're a general. AO 91 (Rev. And it was given to a P. Ramsey for being chef of the year! Investigate Coffee Table. Jack: Let's recover the faded writing to see what it's all about! Who is kissing Prince Qantas and hoping for a frog? I explicitly ordered everybody up to the roof! 2. We know the killer is among the guests up on the rooftop, so let's take another look there! Jack: I wish I'd brushed up on my French, though. It's a microchip which people use for anything from digital payments to accessing their homes. Because if you don't arrest someone soon, I will take over this investigation myself! Jack: Not exactly, Monsieur Bast. Nefertiti: I just spoke to my father. Jack: But who- Assad's paternal grandfather, Ali Sulayman al-Assad, had managed to change his status from peasant to minor notable and, to reflect this, in 1927 he had changed the family name from Wahsh (meaning "Savage") to Al-Assad. The department has so far declined to release the results of John Bash’s work. Following a police enquiry, Wasmad was today charged with violation of the law on health quarantine, which is punishable by up to one year in prison. United States, 554 U. S. 237, 243. They're a powerful Egyptian dynasty controlling a huge empire, which includes the … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Jack: You must be Eugene Donkin, ze spokesman for ze Ptolemy Dynasty. Theo: Exactly! I was just thinking about that encounter with your colleague yesterday. Transcript. We are going to need to speak wiz you! Jack: , Janis will tell us whether the blood on those fibers you collected from the cloth is a match for our victim! Jack: ... and learned that Nebet is actually Nefertiti, Ramses XLIII's daughter! https://criminalcasegame.fandom.com/wiki/Bash_of_the_Year/Transcript?oldid=525210. Gérard: I don't know who you think you are, but you have no right to question my decisions! Jack: , now that we've identified Mr Arnault's killer, it's time to focus on discovering how Ammon Bast altered history to help Egypt and the Ptolemy Dynasty gain power. Jack: Theo will be able to tell us. Al-Assad in Arabic means "the Lion". We're in the home of the man who sabotaged our time machine... Take care of the killer now! Jack: That looks like the victim's phone, so let's get it unlocked. Analyze Bloody Fibers. But we're fugitives on the run with no idea where our time machine is! (Eugene leaves.) I'll note it down, ! We must learn how he manipulated history to ensure Egypt won key battles, helping the Ptolemys rise to power! Asked Tuesday if Bash had quit over anything related to unmasking, Kupec said, “No, that was not my understanding.” At the time Bash’s departure was announced, she had said of the unmasking review, “Without commenting on any specific investigation, any matters that John Bash was overseeing will be assumed by Gregg Sofer,” who was tapped to replace Bash as the U.S. attorney. So you ARE part of the resistance! Then he stormed off into the lounge! Jack: The victim's phone opened on a message, . Jack: , I'm guessing that handbag belongs to one of the guests, but what's inside that box you found in it? Ammon spoke highly of Gérard when we met him earlier... Act was just a simple case of mistaken identity, Mr Ambassador, agree... 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