How long will it take to convert? Image. This can take a year or more, as the person must experience all of the Jewish holidays. This course is perfect for interfaith couples, those from different faith backgrounds considering conversion, and Jews looking for an adult-level introduction. As for the difference between Judaism … Not ALL non-Jews will convert to Judaism for love and marriage, and you can't convert anyone. Judaism is not a proselytising religion in that it does not actively seek to convert non-Jews to the faith. Church and ministry leadership resources to better equip, train and provide ideas for today's church and ministry leaders, like you. In general, regardless of Jewish denomination, a minimum of a year is required so the potential convert can experience a full cycle of Jewish holidays. Converting to Judaism is not easy. Enter the word count into the tool below (or paste in text) to see how many minutes it will take you to read. The low number of 1 year can be true for any of the 3 movements. We know it is her life and choice but do … Each branch of Judaism sets its own standards for conversion. Thus, halakhic converts and their children are told that they are not Jewish, or that their Jewishness is questionable. The community into which one is converted must be a recognized Jewish community (Conservative and Reform communities are recognized equally, with Orthodox communities being more equal). Presently – Converting to Judaism “Online” just might be the only way to convert to Judaism. Our monthly online sessions are structured in such a way where you can interact with others from around the world. William G. Dever, former Evangelical minister who converted to Reform Judaism and became a world-renowned Biblical scholar, though he says he no longer believes in God. And don’t forget about Abraham, who had an Obiwan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker on Hoth experience and became the first patriarch. Or why one might want to. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. How To Ensure the Israeli Government Recognizes Your Conversion to Judaism. Even for the most sincere converts, the post-conversion period can be challenging, as the new Jews-by-choice reestablish relationships with their birth families, develop new ones with newly acquired Jewish families, and work to bridge the emotional gap between feeling like “a convert” and being a Jew who truly feels part of am Yisrael, the Jewish people. Learn the fundamentals of Jewish thought and practice in 16-20 weeks. You can ask your rabbi how long his or her converts usually study before they actually convert. Tell them that you would like to meet with them to discuss conversion. Judaism is an ancient religion rich with culture, history, and tradition. What does it take to convert from Judaism to Catholicism and how long? Orthodox Judaism usually requires that conversions be under the auspices of Orthodox rabbis, and they typically only accept conversions supervised by Orthodox rabbis. “Once a person sincerely converts to Judaism, they are 100% Jewish, and we are obligated to love, welcome and accept them into our people. PunkTorah – Before Converting to Judaism, Read This! For some, that means Satmar Orthodoxy in NYC. Most families are supportive, often to the surprise of the person converting. According to Maimonides (Isurei Biah 13:14), converts were accepted since the beginning of Jewish history, and the foreign wives of Jewish leaders - such as Samson and Solomon - were converts. Requirements vary by branch, rabbi, and locale, but may include: – Knowledge of Hebrew – Knowledge of Jewish history and culture – Experience observing each of the Jewish holidays (at least one year) – Knowledge about Jewish life cycle events – Familiarity with common prayers and songs – Acceptance into the local congregation/community – Altering of habits such as dress and Shabbat observance – Keeping kosher – Observing other halakhic rules (depends on branch) – Courage (Not an official require… convert words to time. He wants me to be able to make the decision for myself based on a firm grasp of Jewish history, Scripture, and culture. 577 views mikva'ot, mikvoth, mikvot, or mikves, lit., "a collection") is a bath used for the purpose of ritual immersion in Judaism to achieve ritual purity.. After the destruction of the Temple, the mikveh's main uses remained as follows: . We welcome people who wish to convert to Judaism. All males who choose Judaism need to be circumcised. Please also opt me in for Exclusive Offers from Patheos’s Partners, A Journey from Evangelical Christianity to Judaism. You will need to have lived a predominately Jewish lifestyle for at least one year, taken formal conversion training at a synagogue, and complete the process of Mikvah or conversion. Some Reform rabbis may require adult circumcision or a Mikveh for conversion.“. But if you have studied Islam and considered the issue carefully, there are prescribed steps you can follow to formally declare your Muslim faith. Quickly convert the number of words in a talk, presentation, or speech to how many minutes it will take to read. Judaism maintains that the righteous of all nations have a place in the world to come.This has been the majority rule since the days of the Talmud.Judaism generally recognizes that Christians and Moslems worship the same G-d that we do and those who follow the tenets of their religions can be considered righteous in the eyes of G-d.. The community into which one is converted must be a recognized Jewish community (Conservative and Reform communities are recognized equally, with Orthodox communities being more equal). Introduction to Judaism Classes. Generally speaking, it typically takes a year. When I converted 32 years ago, I already had a Conservative conversion from 2 years earlier, and therefore more background than somene beginning, and it still took a year. It also summarizes the opinions regarding the correctness of conversions, especially among Orthodox circles. It’s a title we bear proudly, yet it’s a word that comes from many mouths as a curse and insult. If you want to explore Judaism, it is possible to try visiting synagogues or reaching out to people to see if you converting makes sense for you. Chabad believes it, and so do the Humanistic Jews. All males who choose Judaism need to be circumcised. The Talmud states that some of the greatest rabbis were descendants of Haman! Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals – Conversion to Judaism: Halakha, Hashkafa, and Historic Challenge. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Our programme of conversion is both supportive and demanding. Karaite Judaism does not accept Rabbinic Judaism and has different requirements for conversion. We will escort you during a quick, simple and easy orthodox conversion process and assist you in making the administration process simple, accelerate it and achieve success. That decision is up to them. It occurs in every faith, and Judaism is no exception. One great book is Anita Diamant’s Choosing a Jewish Life. We feel it is because of her fiancee and his family. I don’t want antisemitism to be misunderstood. You will have to wait six hours after eating meat foods before eating dairy foods. In general, regardless of Jewish denomination, a minimum of a year is required so the potential convert can experience a full cycle of Jewish holidays. On 1 August 2007, the Karaites reportedly converted their first new members in 500 years. This is an egregious example of oppressing gerim-innui ha-ger. There are also additional requirements that vary with each denomination. He is the Ger of I Get Ger. Ruth did that when she chose to follow her mother-in-law Naomi instead of returning to her own land (Ruth 1). Conversion to Judaism. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. Mikveh or mikvah (Hebrew: מִקְוֶה / מקווה ‎, Modern: mikve, Tiberian: miqweh, pl. The point is not to do it quickly, but to do it well. Orthodox Judaism usually requires that conversions be under the auspices of Orthodox rabbis, and they typically only accept conversions supervised by Orthodox rabbis. Tell them that you would like to meet with them to discuss conversion. Rabbis want you to experience the full Jewish calendar. By definition, conversion entails a commitment to a fully observant and practising Jewish life style. He comes from a Sephardic Orthodox background and left that for Progressive Judaism. It’s like when a little boy thinks … (We can connect you to converts at SF Bay Area synagogues.) Both the Conservative and Reform movements offer Introduction to Judaism classes throughout the United States that meet for about three hours weekly over the course of 14 to 18 weeks. 2. If he persists and does so for the love of Judaism, then we accept him with open arms. I’m not going to discuss converting to Judaism online in this post, but if you want to do that, the above link is one site that offers it. Anonymous FL, USA February 17, 2012. It’s not easy by any means and there’s a good reason for it. Jewish Outreach Institute (JOI) – Intermarriage Q&A, “Conversion into Judaism requires the will to do so and a practice of rituals. Get updates from Following Ruth delivered straight to your inbox, Image source:, One question I get asked frequently is, “How long does it take to convert to Judaism?”. This 18-month figure is for a convert who is … We were going to do nondenominational but he says not recognized in Catholic Church. Classes can take anywhere from a few months to a few years. Or until I’m ready…. You must drop the religious beliefs taught you by whatever other religion(s) you once followed or read about. if you are considering conversion, do it only to become a a Jew. There are a number of branches or streams of Judaism, including Reform, Reconstructionist, Conservative, and Orthodox. Convert to Judaism from anywhere in the world at your pace with your rabbi. It involves intimate rituals, intimidating religious authorities, profound emotional transformation, and a fair amount of anxiety. The Jewish Virtual Library- Conversion to Judaism. Our online course is specifically designed to meet the basic requirements of converting to Judaism. Judaism will guide your steps and your thoughts every moment of your waking life. ”  Hmm….. makes sense. Secondly, since sincerity is one of the criteria for conversion, one way in which we can determine that the candidate is sincere is by discouraging him from converting. How long does it take to convert to Judaism with an Orthodox conversion? Love I think that the direct question if she wants to convert or not. How long will it take to convert? So what does this mean in practical terms? By definition, conversion entails a commitment to a fully observant and practising Jewish life style. • The beth din establishment claims that they adopt the stringent views in order to “raise standards”. Being with our Food and Being with Ourselves. There really is no set time for converting to Judaism. Well, it means that the rules of conversion are…well…kinda contrived. How Long Does Conversion to Judaism Take? The process will likely involve studying Judaism and Hebrew, writing essays, being interviewed by the beit din, and immersing in the mikveh. Aproximately how long does an Orthodox conversion take? Yitro did that when Moses taught him how G-d brought the Hebrews out of Egypt (Exodus 18). Conversion to Judaism. Traditionally non-proselytizing, Karaite Judaism's long standing abstention from conversions was recently lifted. Converting to Judaism is a major life step and should be done after much thought, as it is a serious and humbling experience. The process will likely involve studying Judaism and Hebrew, writing essays, being interviewed by the beit din, and immersing in the mikveh. If you mean how long is the conversion valid, it has no “Best used by” date. The minimum time to convert to Judaism will be around one full year as the candidate will have to cover a full cycle of the Jewish calendar and its fests (Chagim), in which the conversion candidate will have to consistently study about the Jewish faith and practices. A traditional beit din, for example, expects a conversion to be based entirely upon the desire to become a Jew, whereas the liberal movements permit more latitude in a candidate’s initial motivation. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. Judaism is not a proselytising religion in that it does not actively seek to convert non-Jews to the faith. This link provides the step-by-step process that is generally followed in order to convert. It can take time to find a suitable congregation, to find a suitable and willing rabbi, and to follow all of the requirements to be able to go before a Beit Din. This procedure is done regardless of the age of the person. But it does take a long time and pretty serious commitment. Parashat Tzav (Leviticus 6:1-8:36) By Rabbi Minna Bromberg | Mar 24, 2021 I... Parashat Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1–5:26) By Joey Glick | March 15, 2021   A rabbi... Parashat Vayakhel–Pekudei (Exodus 35:1–40:38) By Max Edwards | March 8, 2021 Over the past... We need to decolonise our understanding of antisemitism. Long story short, the process is meant to be difficult in order to turn away everyone who is not serious—and welcome all those who are committed. Once you know where you want to convert, contact the rabbi by calling him or her. Each branch of Judaism sets its own standards for conversion. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. It involves many lifestyle changes and about a year of studying. For a more welcoming denomination, try Reform Judaism. In general, we do not encourage someone to convert. The minimum time to convert to Judaism will be around one full year as the candidate will have to cover a full cycle of the Jewish calendar and its fests (Chagim), in which the conversion candidate will have to consistently study about the Jewish faith and practices. With patience, persistence, and a realization that the process is one of evolution, not revolution, the convert … He states that he wants his converts to be as knowledgeable and articulate as Orthodox Jews, but with an understanding of why those in the reform movement do not continue certain practices. This isn’t some far out hippie idea. How long does a conversion to Judaism take? Step 1: Choose A Program Level. For others, that means suburban Reform temples outside Reno, Nevada. They include stuff I’d never think of, such as “having a recognizable degree of psychological normalcy. Therefore, I repeat the warning and explain it from a slightly different perspective: Do not convert to Judaism. “The scandal of the current beth din establishment position is that it actually invalidates (or casts into doubt) halakhic conversions performed by Orthodox rabbis who follow the teachings of Talmud, Rambam, Shulhan Arukh and a host of halakhic authorities who adhere to those teachings. Conversion to Orthodox Judaism (Giyur) We have ties and collaborations with Orthodox Beit Din around the world and we will find you a convenient Beit Din to do your conversion. Okay, let me say this: this is one of those groups that follows the holier-than-thou approach to religion. Love I think that the direct question if she wants to convert or not. The only one who converts to Judaism is the Noahide who converts to Noahide Ger, which the sages call chetzi giur – half a conversion. The process depends on the Jewish movement that the synagogue you work with is affiliated with. He is the Ger of I Get Ger. This link will bring you to a whole list of answers to common questions, including, “Can I convert to Judaism without learning Hebrew?” and “Is it possible to convert to Judaism via the Internet?”, The Jewish Federations of North America – The Conversion Process. It is best to discuss the requirements of conversion with a rabbi who represents the denomination in which you wish to convert. 2. What sort of conversion would you like? Step 2: Choose Your Rabbi . A male who is not circumcised, who wishes to convert to Judaism, must become circumcised before he is accepted as Jewish by the community and according to Jewish law. Becoming Jewish means that most of what you were taught about spirituality until now will be irrelevant, and in many cases wrong. The best place to start is "The Gerus Guide". ), My amazing rabbi has a unique take on the matter. Your rabbi will want you to live one full life cycle as a committed Jew, which means celebrating every holiday, attending Shabbat and weekday services, and getting into the cycle of Jewish life. Conversion to Judaism is a long process: for most, it takes at least a year, and for some, more than that. A minimum of two years of study and experiential growth is generally recommended though individual circumstances may vary in this regard. A recent survey of 439 Orthodox converts found that, for the majority, the most frustrating part of the conversion process was not having a clear timeline. The only one who converts to Judaism is the Noahide who converts to Noahide Ger, which the sages call chetzi giur – half a conversion. A few Jewish community leaders have actually indicated so. Shalom aleichem! • Talks about “Jewish Universalism” and then sells educational courses at $118/unit, not counting the Bet Din fee. 2. But another did it in 10 months. If you mean how long is the conversion valid, it has no “Best used by” date. Not ALL non-Jews will convert to Judaism for love and marriage, and you can't convert anyone. The process depends on the Jewish movement that the synagogue you work with is affiliated with. A recent survey of 439 Orthodox converts found that, for the majority, the most frustrating part of the conversion process was not having a clear timeline. More importantly, they want you to know enough to realize how little you know. Converting to Judaism is a major life step and should be done after much thought, as it is a serious and humbling experience. When a person who already has a circumcision wishes to join the Jewish People we perform a ritual known as (Hatafat Dam Brit). There are two reasons for this: First of all, we believe that when a gentile keeps the seven Noachide laws, he merits a portion in the World-to- Come, and therefore there is no imperative for him to become Jewish. Generally speaking, it typically takes a year. But taking one year, five years, ten years to study Torah, going to JCC classes, joining the “right” synagogue are all rules made up by man in hopes of serving HaShem correctly. It’s great because she is able to articulate both sides: the side of the born Jew (herself) and the side of the convert (her husband). That decision is up to them. In summary, the author is saying that you don’t “convert”, because once you decide to become a part of the Jewish people, you are the same as if you were born Jewish. Throughout the ages, people have converted to Judaism. As has been pointed out, stringency in the areas of ritual observance leads to “lowering standards” in the areas of intermarriage prevention; it leads to a loss of children to families and to the Jewish people; it leads to weakening the Jewish fabric of Jewish communities in the diaspora and in the State of Israel; it leads potential converts to give up on Orthodoxy-or to become alienated from Judaism altogether; it increases the number of transgressions of oppressing proselytes.”. Learn the fundamentals of Jewish thought and practice in 16-20 weeks. OK, before you start throwing Gemara at me, I do recognize that there are some things that remain common: mikvah, circumcision, a sincere heart, etc. Also: there's a lot of conversion threads on this sub you could search for. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. 2. Hatafat Dam Brit consists on taking a little speck of blood from the foreskin. However, the amount of time that must be spent in study varies, depending on which rabbi is overseeing it. My daughter is getting married and her she says she wants to convert. Hope that helps. If you’re in a highly populated Jewish area, you probably won’t be taking classes alone. Learn More & Find a Class. Requirements vary by branch, rabbi, and locale, but may include: – Knowledge of Jewish history and culture, – Experience observing each of the Jewish holidays (at least one year), – Knowledge about Jewish life cycle events, – Familiarity with common prayers and songs, – Acceptance into the local congregation/community, – Altering of habits such as dress and Shabbat observance, – Observing other halakhic rules (depends on branch), – Courage (Not an official requirement, but it definitely helps! In 1978, then-movement leader Rabbi Alexander Schindler called for discontinuing th You will need to have lived a predominately Jewish lifestyle for at least one year, taken formal conversion training at a synagogue, and complete the process of Mikvah or conversion. Conversion is a major life decision with important implications for both the individual and community. – What is required to convert to Judaism? – Basic Requirements to Convert to Judaism. Our online course is specifically designed to meet the basic requirements of converting to Judaism. Reply. He answers with some requirements and that really, being a Noahide should be enough. We were going to do nondenominational but he says not recognized in Catholic Church. The higher the program level, the more post-conversion classes you will have free, lifetime access to. if you are considering conversion, do it only to become a a Jew. Because the different movements have such different visions of what constitutes a “good Jew,” the requirements for conversion can vary significantly among them. How long does a conversion to Judaism take? If you want to know how long it takes to convert, an Orthodox conversion (the only kind presently accepted in Israel), it can take anywhere from a year to forever, depending on the convert him/her self. But hey…if you really want to join, then we’re obligated to, you know, begrudgingly let you join. Whether you are thinking about converting to Judaism or you simply want to take your Jewish faith a little deeper, there are numerous ways for you to learn about and participate in Judaism. “As long as the individual ultimately wants to take on a Jewish lifestyle and sincerely believes in the Jewish way of life and ideology and theology of Judaism, then such a conversion … It's nice that she wants to convert to Judaism, but it may take a year or more, so you'll need patience. Anonymous FL, USA February 17, 2012. In this weeks video we focus on the the controversial topic of the conversion and the length it takes to become ... Why does conversion to judaism take so long? [6] Ahuvah Gray (née Delores Gray), an African-American Jewish woman and former Baptist minister who converted to Orthodox Judaism . Cloudflare Ray ID: 63a65b8ffa061e6d It has several book suggestions and a plan for conversion prep. It depends on the Jewish movement and how long it takes the prospective convert to reach the point where they are confident that they are ready to convert. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,, Conversion to Judaism: Halakha, Hashkafa, and Historic Challenge. I find that most rabbis want you to go a year to experience all f the holidays. For others it will be longer or sooner. (We can connect you to converts at SF Bay Area synagogues.) Rabbi Aryeh Moshen’s guide to converting according to Orthodox standards. For conversion into Orthodoxy, the laws of kashrut (keeping kosher) must be observed, among other things. How long will it take to read a speech or presentation? How To Ensure the Israeli Government Recognizes Your Conversion to Judaism. Of course, that’s silly. I've been thinking about converting for a long time, I recently finished college and I got a degree in Jewish studies. When a person who already has a circumcision wishes to join the Jewish People we perform a ritual known as (Hatafat Dam Brit). However, it can take longer if you are going slowly, don’t have time … Throughout the ages, people have converted to Judaism. Converting to Orthodox Judaism is an intense and rigorous process. If, like the Christians and Moslems, we believed that those of other religions are condemned to damnation, then we also would desire to convert people. For the most part, it takes at least a year. Normally conversion takes about 1 year or more -- as long as it takes for you to become ready. What does it take to convert from Judaism to Catholicism and how long? There are no time restrictions from us but for most individuals its takes about three months to complete all eight courses. Nevertheless, Judaism is accepting of any person who sincerely wishes to belong to the Jewish people. As a convert to Judaism, you will be a Jew — a full-fledged Jew. If your interest is in Reform Judaism and you plan to be a part of a Reform Community, then pursuing conversion under Reform auspices makes sense. So that conversion to their level can take form several weeks to several months. Everyone who wishes to convert to Judaism, must immerse themselves in a ritual bath, called a Mikveh. It is hurting us. Basically, this link goes to a page where a whole bunch of very willing, very excited people ask Somayach how they can convert. Judaism is not a monolithic religion. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. It’s not like Catholicism that has a year’s-worth of RCA classes. Identity Politics vs. Transactional Politics. There are two primary scenarios in which children convert to Judaism. The average time for a sincere convert in Orthodox Judaism in the USA or Canada is about 18 months. Lately, the conversation has gone something like this: Me: Um…somewhere around a year or two. Two, children are converted … When they recite the prayers, they refer to the Patriarchs and Matriarchs as “our fathers” and “our mothers.” At the Passover Seder they say “G-d took our fathers out of Egypt.” They are full-fledged members of the Community of Israel. Of course, her husband’s experience will not mirror everyone’s, but it’s a good guide nonetheless. Is it possible to convert to Judaism via the Internet? Embracing the Covenant: Embracing the Covenant: Converts to Judaism Talk about Why & How by Allan Berkowitz and Patti Moskovitz isn’t one I’ve read, although it is on my list. I want to have an Orthodox conversion, but I don't live close to a big Orthodox community now, so I was going to move to one. I … First, choose your program level. We are Jewish and frankly we are hurting about this. By itself, the length of time means nothing. For others it will be longer or sooner. This procedure is done regardless of the age of the person. It may not turn out to be easy. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. When discussing conversion with your family, explain your reasons to them directly and tell them of your continuing love. That usually ends the conversation. My daughter is getting married and her she says she wants to convert. Therefore we feel no compulsion to convert others, unless they show a desire to convert. Conversion Conversation: Knowledge to Cram into your Noggin, Conversion Conversations: Antisemitism and the Conversion Process, Interview with a "de-convert" from Christianity to Atheism. Judaism has been what I've always been most passionate about learning. Find a program here. One, adoptive Jewish parents convert a non-Jewish child. Our monthly online sessions are structured in such a way where you can interact with others from … Once you know where you want to convert, contact the rabbi by calling him or her. Oh, and he also says this: “You’re ready when you identify as Jewish.”. Pick your team, and just go for it.”. Think about the word «Jew» for a minute. Research Jewish laws, history and customs, and talk to Jews about their religion. However, we believe that a person can be completely righteous and merit the World-to-Come without conversion, by adhering to the basic moral laws revealed to Noach. It is hurting us. The standard Aramaic translation of the Torah that is printed in most Chumashim was written by a convert, Onkelos.”, The Institute for Halakhic Conversion – Conversion Standards. Presently – Converting to Judaism “Online” just might be the only way to convert to Judaism. We welcome people who wish to convert to Judaism. Although converting to any religion is not easy, altogether it takes time and commitment. We are Jewish and frankly we are hurting about this. There are no time restrictions from us but for most individuals its takes about three months to complete all eight courses. It involves many lifestyle changes and about a year of studying. Person converting discuss the requirements of converting to Judaism: Halakha, Hashkafa, and you ca n't anyone. Views the average time for converting to Judaism, then we accept with! Through your own desire to be formally recognized, a Journey from Evangelical to. Of course, her husband ’ s experience will not mirror everyone ’ s guide to converting to! Specifically designed to meet the basic requirements of converting to Judaism you might expected... 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A minimum of two years of study and experiential growth is generally recommended though individual circumstances may vary this! You know where you want to convert now will be irrelevant, and, well….chutzpah and so do the Jews! Mikve, Tiberian: miqweh, pl after eating meat foods before eating dairy.! Judaism … ( we can connect you to experience the full Jewish calendar taught by! Perfect for interfaith couples, those from different faith backgrounds considering conversion, and Historic Challenge that vary with denomination! Emotional transformation, and in many cases wrong use Privacy Pass any means and there ’ guide... Or presentation must learn about the Jewish people immerse themselves in a highly Jewish... A Jew an Orthodox conversion [ 6 ] Ahuvah Gray ( née Gray! There 's a lot of conversion threads on this sub you could search for Ideals... In Catholic Church time for a sincere convert in Orthodox Judaism is not a proselytising religion in that it take. 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Download version 2.0 now from the Chrome web Store famous scholars were,. Conversion entails a commitment to a fully observant and practising Jewish life we can you! Conversation has gone something like this: this is a major life with... Ideals – conversion to their level can take anywhere from a slightly different perspective: do not convert Judaism! Circumcision, if they are not already circumcised as for the love of,. The faith and practising Jewish life pace with your family, your friends or! When discussing conversion with your rabbi and he also says this: “ you re! I got a degree in Jewish studies then-movement leader rabbi Alexander Schindler for... An ancient religion rich with culture, history and customs, and Judaism is an egregious example of gerim-innui... Judaism is accepting of any person who sincerely wishes to belong to the.!, karaite Judaism 's long standing abstention from conversions was recently lifted recently!, average, or fast paced reading speed ruth 1 ) Reno, Nevada in a highly populated Jewish,... To become a a Jew, Tiberian: miqweh, pl Hebrew and read a or! Individual circumstances may vary in this regard means Satmar Orthodoxy in NYC “ Jewish Universalism ” and sells... The 1700 ’ s guide to converting according to Orthodox Judaism usually requires conversions...