To learn more, view our, O INFANTE D. PEDRO E AS ALIANÇAS EXTERNAS DE PORTUGAL (1425-1449), A PRIMEIRA GERAÇÃO DE AVIS: UMA FAMÍLIA “EXEMPLAR” (Portugal – Século XV), Imagologia e Mitos Nacionais: O Episódio dos Doze de Inglaterra na Literatura Portuguesa (c.1550-1902) e o Nacionalismo (Colonial) de Teófilo Braga, Quando todos os caminhos levavam a Portugal.Impacto da Guerra dos Cem anos na vida económica e política de Portugal (Séculos XIV-XV). A presente dissertação tem como objectivo apresentar a acção política, diplomática e administrativa de D. Isabel de Portugal, duquesa da Borgonha (1430-1471). With her husband, and accompanied by the Countess of Namur, Jeanne de Harcourt, Isabella then travelled through the main territories of Burgundy: from Ghent (16 January) to Kortrijk (13 February) to Lille, and then to Brussels, Arras, Péronne-en-Mélantois, Mechelen and, by mid-March Noyon, where Isabella, now pregnant, chose to rest through the spring, only leaving when Joan of Arc led a campaign against the nearby Compiègne. More upsetting to Isabella, however, was her husband's behaviour. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. He married Catherine de France on 19 May 1440, in Blois 2e Canton, Blois, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val de Loire, France. Veja mais ideias sobre história de portugal, monarquia portuguesa, portugal. Era filha do rei D. João I de Portugal e de sua esposa, D. Filipa de Lencastre. 6/abr/2014 - Infanta D. Isabel de Portugal e Duquesa de Borgonha (1430-1467). Filha única de Carlos, o Negrito da Borgonha, e Isabel de Bourbon, Maria da Borgonha tornou-se governante de suas terras após a morte de seu pai em 1477. D. Isabel de Portugal duqueza de Borgonha : notas documentaes para a sua biographia e para a historia das relações entre Portugal e a côrte de Borgonha by Sousa Viterbo ( ) La correspondance d'Isabelle de Portugal, duchesse de Bourgogne (1430-1471) by Isabelle de Portugal ( Book ) Because of this, when Charles VII of France began attacking Burgundy in January 1432, Philip—leaving Coudenburg to defend Dijon—ordered that she represent him during his absence. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. He had showered gifts on her when she had first arrived, and still more when she had become pregnant; yet, he made it clear that he had no intention of keeping his vows of fidelity and chastity. Arte e Poder na devoção de Isabel de Portugal, duquesa da Borgonha (1397-1471) [7], Learn how and when to remove this template message, Infanta Isabel, Holy Roman Empress and Queen of Spain, Infanta Maria, Lady of Meneses and Orduña, Infanta Beatriz, Countess of Alburquerque, Maria Manuela, Princess of Portugal and Asturias, Mariana Victoria, Infanta Gabriel of Spain, Maria Francisca, Infanta Carlos María Isidro of Spain, Infanta Maria das Neves, Duchess of San Jaime, Maria Teresa, Archduchess Karl Ludwig of Austria, Maria José, Duchess Karl-Theodor in Bavaria, Maria Teresa, Princess Karl Ludwig of Thurn und Taxis, Isabel Maria, Princess of Thurn und Taxis, Maria Ana, Princess Karl August of Thurn und Taxis,,_Duchess_of_Burgundy&oldid=1010535455, Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from February 2019, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 March 2021, at 00:11. O casamento com o conde da Flandres e duque da Borgonha efetuou-se em 1429. [6] Most notably, she negotiated many of the marriages of the members of her court, among them the marriage of her son Charles to Catherine of France. Isabel (D).. n. 1271. f. 4 de julho de 1336.. Infanta de Portugal e duquesa de Borgonha. [1], Isabella was born to John I of Portugal and Philippa of Lancaster, who had six children survive infancy. [3], In 1415 Isabella received an offer of marriage from her cousin Henry V of England, an effort for England to form closer links with Portugal against France. Izabella ( Rainha Santa Isabel ) (1271-1336) - Portugāles karaliene, svētā Her personal feelings came into conflict with the decisions of her husband, resulting in her abandoning court and taking up refuge in the castle of La Motte-au Bois, where she established a parallel court, which became a protectorate for the victims of her husband's official politics. Infanta Isabel, Duchess of Burgundy [2] Her father ensured that she was given a good understanding of politics, joining her brothers in their instructions in affairs of state and she became proficient in Latin, French, English and Italian during her studies with the princes. On 19 October 1428, Philip sent a delegation from Sluys led by his chief counsellor, the Seigneur de Roubaix, that arrived in Lisbon on 16 December after calling at Sandwich until 2 December and acquiring two more ships. Imperatriz perfeitíssima. Isabella was an avid reader and held an interest in politics. Contributo para uma bibliografia crítica. When Charles de Bourgogne was born on 10 November 1433, in Dijon, Côte-d'Or, Burgundy, France, his father, Duke Philippe III, the good Valois de Burgundy, was 37 and his mother, Isabel de Portugal Duquesa da Borgonha, was 36. Google Scholar Luís XI da França tentou forçá-la a se casar com o Delfim Carlos, colocando sob controle francês suas terras, incluindo a Holanda, Franco-Condado, Artois e Picardia (os Países Baixos). By 1457, however, she had withdrawn from the court and distanced herself from her husband, partly to side with her son in his estrangement with him, partly out of a desire to live a more devout and quieter life. Isabella de Portugal Fatos . Notas documentais para a sua biografia e para a história das relações entre Portugal e a côrte da Borgonha” in Archivo Historico Portuguez III (1905); 81–110. [5] The Duchess disembarked the following day where she and Philip celebrated their formal religious marriage two weeks later, on 7 January 1430. Her father had a fleet and trousseau prepared and on 19 October 1429, with a flotilla of about 20 ships, Isabella—accompanied by almost 2000 Portuguese—left Portugal forever. Antoine and Joseph both died in 1432, but the duchess then gave birth to the future Charles the Bold on 10 November 1433. Obteve a liberdade do duque de Orleães, que ficara prisioneiro dos ingleses na batalha de Azincourt em 1415, etc. Filipe o Bom dá-lhe toda a liberdade, mas não lhe é fiel, presenteando-a com sumptuosas ofertas para que ela lhe perdoe os devaneios amorosos que tem com outras damas. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Isabella was the regent of the Burgundian Low Countries during the absence of her spouse in 1432 and in 1441–1443. She was fond of riding and hunting with her brothers. Phillippa instilled in all her children, including her daughter, a sense of duty, faith and belief in education. Portugāles Izabella (Isabel de Portugal, Duquesa da Borgonha) (1397-1471) - Burgundijas grāfiene Sv. Born in 1397 in Évora, and raised in the Portuguese court in Lisbon, Isabella was the fourth child and only daughter to survive to adulthood. Conhecido por: regente da Espanha durante longas ausências de seu marido, Carlos V, Sacro Imperador Romano Títulos: Imperatriz, Sacro Império Romano; Rainha da Alemanha, Espanha, Nápoles e Sicília; Duquesa da Borgonha; princesa (infanta) de Portugal Datas: 24 de outubro de 1503 - 1 de maio de 1539 About Isabela de Portugal, duquesa da Borgonha NOTE: Death place and date are wrong, it was 1471 not 1472 and she died in Dijon, not "Aire". . Isabella was a refined and intelligent woman who liked to be surrounded by artists and poets. She then returned to Ghent, where she dealt with a potential guild uprising.[5]. [4] Also in 1415 she grieved at the death of her mother on 19 July, with whom she had a close relationship.[2]. At age of 30 Isabella was still unmarried when the Burgundian house of Valois provided her with an offer of marriage in 1428. She was a generous patron of the arts. She served as her husband's representative in negotiations with England regarding trade relations in 1439 and those with the rebellious cities of Holland in 1444. no longer supports Internet Explorer. The negotiations failed and Isabella remained unmarried. After an eleven-week journey when the fleet was beset by storms, causing the loss of several ships and much of her bridal trousseau, the convoy reached Sluys on 25 December 1429. D. Duarte I de Portugal doou as ilhas a sua irmã Isabel de Portugal, Duquesa da Borgonha. [7] At that time she assisted the Flemish harmed by Philip's military actions and, under her protection, advanced Josse van Huerter to her nephew, Ferdinand of Portugal. A partir de 1443, quando a expansão borgonhesa efetuada pelo duque Felipe se confirmou com a aquisição do território de Luxemburgo, a duquesa Isabel, com posses e rendimentos muito aumentados em relação à época de seu casamento, começou a tornar-se a líder de facto de Borgonha. On 19 January 1429, a formal request for the Infanta's hand was made by the Burgundians, and discussions between the two parties began. ISABEL DE PORTUGAL nasceu, em Évora, a 21 de fevereiro de 1397, tendo-se tornado DUQUESA DA BORGONHA através do casamento com Filipe o Bom. : Isabelle de Portugal, Duchesse de Bourgogne, парт. In politics, she had a great influence on her son, but even more so on her husband, whom she represented on several diplomatic conferences and for whom she governed when he was absent. [6] Isabella helped arrange her marriage to James II of Scotland, which would make her queen. The reigning Duke of Burgundy, Philip the Good, had already been widowed twice - by Michelle of Valois and Bonne of Artois. Nasceu em Évora a 11 de fevereiro de 1897, faleceu a 17 de dezembro de 1471. The child, Antoine, sickly at birth, was christened on 16 January 1431, and soon after both parents left to attend to ducal business. Viterbo, Francisco Marques de Sousa, “D. The Portuguese agreed to the marriage and sent messengers on 2 February to receive the Duke of Burgundy's formal response, which was signed on 5 May and received by the Portuguese on 4 June. The marriage contract was drawn up, and Isabella, still in Portugal, was married to Philip the Good by proxy on 29 July 1429, with Roubaix acting as groom. Isabella was at first unprepared for the lavish style of court life in Burgundy, one of the most extravagant in Europe. Foi por ocasião deste mesmo casamento que o pintor Jan van Eyck se deslocou a Lisboa para pintar o retrato da infanta, na embaixada encarregue de ultimar os … D. Isabel de Portugal. Isabel de Portugal assegu­ra­va uma maior proximidade com a Casa de Lancaster, com a In­glaterra, o que convinha ao duque para enfrentar Carlos VII de Fran­ça. Ізабела Партугальская, герцагіня Бургундская (фр. Her son by Philip was Charles the Bold, the last Valois Duke of Burgundy. A vida da duquesa Dona Isabel foi uma sequência de acções nobres, virtuosas e cavalheirescas. Isabella of Portugal (21 February 1397 – 17 December 1471) was Duchess of Burgundy as the third wife of Duke Philip the Good. Isabella was attractive to Philip as a potential consort being well-bred, shrewd and accomplished. Assistiu ao congresso de Arras em 1486, promoveu em 1439 a conclusão de um tratado de comércio entre a Inglaterra e a Borgonha. He kept numerous women as his lovers, most living away from the court, and as many as 50 illegitimate children. Dando início assim ao povoamento pelos flamengos que se recuperavam da Guerra dos Cem Anos, à colonização oficial de algumas das ilhas açorianas. Neither marriage left surviving issue. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Isabella gave birth to her first child on 30 December 1430 at Coudenberg in Brussels, a year after her marriage. Isabel de Portugal, duquesa de Borgonha, foi uma figura notável mas injustamente esquecida da história de Portugal e da Europa. For his third wife, Philip was anxious to seek a candidate from England or a nation allied to England, since he wanted to secure his alliance with England further. Isabel estava habituada a levar uma vida recatada em Portugal, mas tem de se habituar à luxúria e extravagância da corte da Borgonha, na altura a mais opulenta da Europa. Casa Real: Avis Editorial: Real Lidador Portugal Autor: Rui Miguel Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Isabella of Portugal, Duchess of Burgundy Duchess of Burgandy (1397-1471) Isabel de Portugal, còpia d'un original (c. 1445) destruït de Rogier van der Weyden. Uma obra que se constitui como uma crónica dos acontecimentos da vida e obra política, diplomática e cultural da Infanta Isabel, filha de D. João I e de D. Filipa de Lencastre, no período que medeia entre a sua partida de Portugal para se casar com o Duque de Borgonha, em 1429, até à sua morte, em Dezembro de 1471. The Portuguese infanta, described by the Burgundian embassy that had negotiated her marriage as appearing to their eyes as a nun when they had first met, and now dressed in loose clothing and flat over-panels to hide her pregnancy, looked particularly dowdy at her new court. De infanta de Portugal a duquesa de Borgonha D. Isabel de Lencastre e Avis (1397-1429) INTRODUÇÃO Desde os bancos da escola primária e muito pela instigação da minha mãe tornei-me uma admiradora confessa do primeiro rei da segunda dinastia e de toda a sua prole. [6] She also took special pains on behalf of Mary of Guelders, who attended upon Catherine. 2/jun/2018 - Explore a pasta "rainhas de Portugal" de Marisa Ramalhete no Pinterest. Isabella of Portugal (21 February 1397 – 17 December 1471) was Duchess of Burgundy as the third wife of Duke Philip the Good.Born a Portuguese infanta of the House of Aviz, Isabella was the only surviving daughter of King John I of Portugal and his wife Philippa of Lancaster.Her son by Philip was Charles the Bold, the last Valois Duke of Burgundy. 1503-1539. Filipe, o Bom, duque de Borgonha, festeja o seu casamento com a filha de D. João I de Portugal e Carlos de Borgonha vinga a honra de sua mãe D. Isabel de Portugal. Isabel de Portugal, duquesa da Borgonha. By the autumn of that year, Isabella was once again pregnant with their second son, Joseph; more importantly, she had spent a long continuous period of time with her husband, and demonstrated her intelligence and abilities, as well as her commitment to Burgundian independence. Isabella did not leave Portugal for another eight weeks. The delegation waited another month while Isabella's father and brothers met at Aviz to discuss the matter. D. Isabel de Portugal, Ínclita Duquesa da Borgonha (1430-1471), Diplomata Europeia do Século XV. Born a Portuguese infanta of the House of Aviz, Isabella was the only surviving daughter of King John I of Portugal and his wife Philippa of Lancaster. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Six children survive infancy the Duchess isabel de portugal, duquesa da borgonha gave birth to the future the. De Arras em 1486, promoveu em 1439 a conclusão de um tratado comércio!, had already been widowed twice - by Michelle of Valois provided with. 1439 a conclusão de um tratado de comércio entre a Inglaterra e a Borgonha lavish... Dealt with a potential guild uprising. [ 5 ] at Aviz to discuss the matter Século XV )...: Isabelle de Portugal, Duquesa da Borgonha efetuou-se em 1429 de France on 19 1440. 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