He famously slew the dreaded Gorgon Medusa whose gaze could turn men to stone, an exploit he swiftly followed up with the daring rescue of the princess Andromeda from a monstrous sea-creature sent by Poseidon to terrorize the kingdom of Ethiopia. Other notable star systems i The best-known star, however, is Algol, linked with ominous legends because of its variability, which is noticeable to the naked eye. News, help and support-related content for this site ("Perseus 4.0") will be updated periodically, but the site collections and infrastructure are no longer under active development as we begin the transition to the next phase of Perseus. Packard Perseus TDC excels at discovering value in today’s competitive real estate market – creating powerful benefits for buyers, tenants and investors. Boston University, and Perseus computes the persistent homology of many different types of filtered cell complexes after first performing certain homology-preserving Morse theoretic reductions.In all cases, the user should prepare the input filtration as a correctly-formatted text file (see instructions for formatting below) and then read the output persistent homology intervals, again presented as text files. Aided by Hermes and Athena, Perseus pressed the Graiae, sisters of the Gorgons, into helping him by seizing the one eye and one tooth that the sisters shared and not returning them until they provided him with winged sandals (which enabled him to fly), the cap of Hades (which conferred invisibility), a curved sword, or sickle, to decapitate Medusa, and a bag in which to conceal the head. Perseus received gifts from the gods to help him in his task: a pair of winged sandals, a sword, a helmet that made the wearer invisible, and a bronze shield from Athena* that was polished to shine like a mirror. of Museum and Library Services, the ” Perseus is a great fit for our business because it has experience working with a vast amount of software companies just like ours. (According to another version, the Graiae merely directed him to the Stygian Nymphs, who told him where to find the Gorgons and gave him the bag, sandals, and helmet; Hermes gave him the sword.) It and many of the surrounding stars are members of an open cluster known as the Alpha Persei Cluster. Corrections to Greek and Latin lexicons, Oppian, Smith's Geography, Pausanias, Cassius Dio. Project, Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Family Technology Transfer Endowment, Texts of Early Modern Europe, Institute for Perseus was a hero in ancient Greek mythology . broken links to dictionaries in the Word Study tool, and the use of collection limits in searches Perseus was the son of Zeus and Danaë, the daughter of Acrisius of Argos. Trinity nuclear test explos It is 6’x2′ in size and not very bright (unless observed in mid and far-infrared wavelengths), with the exception of two clusters that it … producing hits in document metadata. Endowment for the Humanities, Berger He was the son of Zeus , the chief god. Unwilling to take the risk that she might become pregnant, Acrisius locked his daughter away in a tower with no doors, and only one small window; Zeussaw the lovely girl, howe… National Department of Education, Rather than being an intrinsically variable star, it is an eclipsing binary. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Digital Perseus Underwear the best men's underwear, we offer boxers, briefs, boxer briefs, jock straps and trunks. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Perseus 1. We have addressed some performance issues with the site and fixed a crash in the vocabulary tool. The adventures of Perseus have been told, and retold, over the millennia, and even today his story regularly appears on the big screen. Annenberg/CPB We focus on discovering potential – while concentrating exclusively on commercial property investments in office and residential development. He was the son of the Argive princess Danae who was locked away in a bronze chamber by her father Akrisios (Acrisius) who lived in fear of a prophecy that he would one day be killed by her son. Because the gaze of Medusa turned all who looked at her to stone, Perseus guided himself by her reflection in a shield given him by Athena and beheaded Medusa as she slept. URN: urn:cts:latinLit:phi0474.phi029.perseus-eng1 Author: Cicero, Marcus Tullius Translator: Yonge, Charles Duke Year Published: 1856 Language: English Perseus is said to have founded the towns of Mideia and Mycenae. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Perseus-Greek-mythology, Ancient Origins - Perseus: Powerful Demigod wth Mighty Weapons, Perseus - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Perseus - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Apple Computer, the The chief characters in the Perseus legend, Perseus, Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, and the sea monster (Cetus), all figure in the night sky as constellations. He accompanied his mother back to her native Argos, where he accidentally struck her father, Acrisius, dead when throwing the discus, thus fulfilling the prophecy that he would kill his grandfather. Although some performance problems may persist, we hope that the overall experience is improved. Who is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Ares? Perseus was one of the oldest out of all of the Greek mythological heroes. An oracle informed Andromeda’s father, King Cepheus, that the ills would cease if he exposed Andromeda to the monster, which he did. for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, Camena-Latin Among researchers of the subject there is some consensus that Perseus never existed and was actually a creation of Soviet intelligence. Perseus is the 24th largest constellation in the sky. As he had not sired a son, Acrisius went to consult the Oracle of Delphi on the matter and the oracle told him that his daughter would give birth to a son who would one day kill him. He married Andromeda after rescuing her from Ceto and founded Mycenae. After Perseus had grown up on the island of Seriphus, where the chest had grounded, King Polydectes of Seriphus, who desired Danaë, tricked Perseus into promising to obtain the head of Medusa, the only mortal among the Gorgons. All Search Options [view abbreviations] Home Collections/Texts Perseus Catalog Research Grants Open Source About Help. Perseus is most famous for his expedition against the Gorgons, during which he slew the only mortal of the three, Medusa, taking with him her severed head – capable of turning anyone into stone – and using it as a powerful weapon. As Perseus’ Chief Financial Officer from 2010 to 2013, Mr Quartermaine was a significant contributor to the team advancing Perseus’s Edikan Gold Project in Ghana to production, and preparing the Sissingué Gold Project, Côte d’Ivoire, for a development decision. Prior support for the project has been provided by the PERSEUS was one of the most celebrated of the Greek heroes. University. PERSEUS was one of the most celebrated heroes of Greek mythology. All the other terrorists in his organization are code-named "Perseus" much like himself. We have released fixes to typos and other errors in various texts. Acrisius sent away Danaë and her son because he had heard a prediction that one day Perseus would kill him. He was commonly said to have accomplished this feat with a variety of magical items lent to him by the gods, including a helmet of invisibility, the winged sandals of Hermes, a magical sword, a special pouch to store Medusa's head, and a reflective shield that allowed him to find and kill the Gorgon without actually looking at her and turning to stone. Perseus' mother, Danaë, was locked away in a tower by her father, Acrisius, king of Argos. Perseus was the son of Zeus and Danaë, the daughter of Acrisius of Argos. Tufts From fruits to winged sandals, test your knowledge in this study of Greek and Roman mythology. Perseus is the winner of the "Digital Lighthouse 2018" award for innovative projects in the insurance industry, The award is presented by Google and the Süddeutsche Zeitung. (Benvenuto Cellini’s bronze statue in Florence of Perseus with Medusa’s head is especially famous.) private donations, and The Perseus molecular cloud is a giant molecular cloud, or stellar nursery, located about 600 light years from the solar system. Perseus then visted the Graeae, three old hags who were sisters of the Gorgons and who shared a single eye. 2. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Perseus is the leader of a Soviet terrorist organization also known as Perseus. We now have the ability to compare our processes and best practices to theirs and make adjustments based on our discoveries. W. Mellon Foundation, the Andrew Endowment for the Humanities, the The Short Story and Myth of Perseus The myth about Perseus is featured in the book entitled Stories of Old Greece by Emma M. Firth first published 1895. New texts: the English Bohn and Greek Kaibel editions of Athenaeus' Deipnosophists The appendices provide additional information on … Perseus, the 24th-largest constellation, is located in the northern sky. Perseus and his origins on Argos Perseus was thought to exist several generations before the famous Heracles (Hercules). Later Perseus gave the Gorgon’s head to Athena, who placed it on her shield, and gave his other accoutrements to Hermes. 9.1", "denarius"). Perseus is a non-profit enterprise, located in the the Study of the Ancient World, The Perseus Digital Library is a partner and supporter of. Libraries Initiative Phase 2, Fund 20 By Andromeda he became the father of Alcaeus, Sthenelus, Heleus, Mestor, Electryon, Gorgophone, and Autochthe, 21 Perseus was worshiped as a hero in several places, e.g. This second page in the Perseus series begins with the story of his rescue of Andromeda from the Sea-Monster and continues with the tale of his rise to power in Greece. As always, feedback is welcome. The Perseus Project has been supported by various funders throughout its history: Perseus has been most recently funded by the Alpheios Perseus, in Greek mythology, the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa and the rescuer of Andromeda from a sea monster. Perseus was one of the greatest and oldest pan - Hellenic heroes of Greek mythology. Tufts He then returned to Seriphus and rescued his mother by turning Polydectes and his supporters to stone at the sight of Medusa’s head. the Fund Endowment for the Arts, the His mother was Princess Danaë, the beautiful daughter of King Acrisius of Argos. Perseus contains a comprehensive portfolio of statistical tools for high-dimensional omics data analysis covering normalization, pattern recognition, time-series analysis, cross-omics comparisons and multiple-hypothesis testing. A further deed attributed to Perseus was his rescue of the Ethiopian princess Andromeda when he was on his way home with Medusa’s head. Perseus was the code name of a hypothetical Soviet atomic spy that, if real, would have allegedly breached United States national security by infiltrating Los Alamos National Laboratory during the development of the Manhattan Project, and consequently, would have been instrumental for the Soviets in the development of nuclear weapons. Perseus molecular cloud . Perseus the Hero of Mycenae. He consequently left Argos and founded Mycenae as his capital, becoming the ancestor of the Perseids, including Heracles. Berger Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. CIDOC RDF download links added for Art and Architecture data. The galactic plane of the Milky Way passes through Perseus, whose brightest star is the yellow-white supergiant Alpha Persei, which shines at magnitude 1.79. Its brightest star is Mirfak ("elbow" in Arabic), but its most famous star is Algol, better known as the Demon Star. Perseus, in Greek mythology, the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa and the rescuer of Andromeda from a sea monster. Od. National Perseus and Andromeda - The Magical World of Myth and Legend. Project, the By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Perseus legend was a favourite subject in painting and sculpture, both ancient and Renaissance. Perseus was not just an ancestor to more heroes and kings than most other figures in Greek mythology, but as a founder of Mycenae he was a spiritual ancestor to all Greek people. Look for new OGL materials in the Scaife Viewer. Humanities Institute, This acknowledged Perseus’ commitment to raising SMBs' awareness of growing cyber threats. Overview of Classical Greek History from Mycenae to Alexander, Institute The navigation bar and text sidebars now include links to the Perseus Catalog. Free shipping on orders of $50 and up In Greek myth, Perseus was the famous hero who killed the Gorgon, Medusa. He is best known in Greek mythology as the slayer of Medusa, one of three female creatures, or Gorgons, with hair said to be made of poisonous snakes. Family Technology Transfer Endowment, Digital National Perseus Collection Greek and Roman Materials Search for documents in Search only in Greek and Roman Materials. Perseus is one of the greatest heroes spoken of in Greek mythology, for Perseus was the famed vanquisher of the Gorgon Medusa. to identify subsections in the Lewis and Short Latin Dictionary, (Greek mythology) The mythological Greek warrior who slew the Gorgon Medusa by decapitating her. Updates? The Greeks themselves were fond of him. and Harpocration. the Getty The Perseus Digital Library is a partner and supporter of Open Greek and Latin, an international collaboration committed to creating an open educational resource featuring a corpus of digital texts, deep-reading tools, and open-source software. We have released bug fixes to the following items: the display of Greek letters used Institute Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Xerox Corporation, of Museum and Library Services, National Department Feel free to send detailed error reports to the webmaster. Corrections? Harvard University. Perseus definition is - a son of Zeus and Danaë and slayer of Medusa. Perseus Book Group was founded by Frank Pearl in 1996 and became a part of the Hachette Book Group in 2016.Imprints at Perseus include Avalon Travel Publishing (home to Rick Steves and the Moon Guides), Basic Books, Running Press, PublicAffairs and Da Capo Press. He turned the sea monster to stone by showing it Medusa’s head and afterward married Andromeda. University. part of the U.S. ("Agamemnon", "Hom. As an infant he was cast into the sea in a chest with his mother by Acrisius, to whom it had been prophesied that he would be killed by his grandson. Perseus is the codename of the main antagonist of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education Perseus is remembered as one of the most famous heroes in Greek mythology. He is a rogue, mysterious and charismatic Soviet intelligence officer and spymaster who leads an international ring of undercover spies, all similarly using the cover name Perseus as a … The stellar configuration is thought to resemble the Greek hero Perseus raising a diamond sword above his head with one hand while holding the decapitated head of the Gorgon Medusa in the other. Perseus (Greek: Περσεύς),note 1 the legendary founder of Mycenae and of the Perseid dynasty there, was the first of the mythic heroes of Greek mythology whose exploits in defeating various archaic monsters provided the founding myths of the Twelve Olympians. Modern Language Association, the Andromeda’s mother, Cassiopeia, had claimed to be more beautiful than the sea nymphs, or Nereids; so Poseidon had punished Ethiopia by flooding it and plaguing it with a sea monster. He was the son of Zeus and Danae. Grant program, the Science Foundation, (astronomy) An autumn constellation of the northern sky, said to resemble th… Perseus, passing by, saw the princess and fell in love with her. Libraries Initiative Phase 2, Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... 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