5D's, Beyblade: Metal Fusion, Fate/Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia and Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (the latter two depicting Quetzalcoatl as a female dragon deity); the Megami Tensei video game franchise; the video games Fate/Grand Order, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy XV, Sanitarium, Smite (as an alternate costume for his Mayan counterpart, Kukulkan), and Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine; as the main antagonist in the Star Trek: The Animated Series episode "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth"; and in the last of The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel books. After a slapstick-style chase scene, Xavier winds up as the Sun God and commits "sacricide" (sacrificial suicide), ending the skit. His actual name is Ningishzidda, a Sumerian name that is spelled NIN.GISH.ZIDDA and means “The Guardian of the Artifact of … Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent was therefore the god of universal generosity, and an advocate for the survival of man as being apart of his very spirit as the movement of the winds. He also had anthropomorphic forms, for example in his aspects as Ehecatl the wind god. A persistent myth about the conquistador Hernan Cortés being mistaken for Quetzalcoatl is almost certainly false. The next morning, Quetzalcoatl, feeling shame and regret, had his servants build him a stone chest, adorn him in turquoise, and then, laying in the chest, set himself on fire. Some legends describe him as opposed to human sacrifice[25] while others describe him practicing it.[26][27]. He also had anthropomorphic forms, for example in his aspects as Ehecatl the wind god. This confederacy engaged in almost seventy-five years of nearly continuous conflict with the Aztec Empire of the Triple Alliance until the arrival of Cortés. His ashes rose into the sky and then his heart followed, becoming the morning star (see Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli).[28]. SU... Today we explore some Mesoamerican mythology. He was also the patron god of the Aztec priesthood, of learning and knowledge. Quetzalcoatl went to Mictlan, the underworld, and created fifth-world mankind from the bones of the previous races (with the help of Cihuacoatl), using his own blood, from a wound he inflicted on his earlobes, calves, tongue, and penis, to imbue the bones with new life. [need quotation to verify] Codex drawings pictured both Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl wearing an ehēcacōzcatl around the neck. Quetzalcoatl (kĕt'sälkôät`əl) [Nahuatl,=feathered serpent], ancient deity and legendary ruler of the Toltec Toltec, ancient civilization of Mexico. Quetzalcoatl was a robot based on a feathered serpent, controlled by Mr. Smiley. In his form as Ehecatl he is the wind, and is represented by spider monkeys, ducks, and the wind itself. If you have enjoyed this video, please leave a like as it helps a lot. The Nahuatl word quetzalli means "long green feather" (Molina: ), but later came to be applied also to the bird who give these feathers: the Resplendent Quetzal. On the basis of the different symbolic systems used in portrayals of the feathered serpent deity in different cultures and periods, scholars have interpreted the religious and symbolic meaning of the feathered serpent deity in Mesoamerican cultures. [22], The exact significance and attributes of Quetzalcoatl varied somewhat between civilizations and through history. It is believed that Olmec su… Most surviving representations in Olmec art, such as Monument 19 at La Venta and a painting in the Juxtlahuaca cave (see below), show the Feathered Serpent as a crested rattlesnake, sometimes with feathers covering the body and legs, and often in close proximity to humans. Experts on Mesoamerican religion believe that the Aztec (1325–1521 CE) figure of Quetzalcoatl began with the legend of the pan-Mesoamerican god and blended in a historical Tollan leader, Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, who reportedly lived 843–895 CE). So the combination of quetzalli "precious feather" and coatl "snake" has often been interpreted as signifying a serpent with the feathers of Quetzal. He was also a creator deity having contributed essentially to the creation of Mankind. At that time he seems to have been conceived as a vegetation god. The Aztec god Quetzalcoatl as depicted in the Codex Telleriano-Remensis (16th century). Cult worship may have involved the ingestion of hallucinogenic mushrooms (psilocybes), considered sacred. There is no question that the legend of Quetzalcoatl played a significant role in the colonial period. Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, one of the major deities of the ancient Mexican pantheon. Much of the idea of Cortés being seen as a deity can be traced back to the Florentine Codex written down some 50 years after the conquest. Among the Classic Maya, the figure of a feathered serpent is illustrated in many stone monuments and murals and is often related to the worship of royal ancestors. In the Codex's description of the first meeting between Moctezuma and Cortés, the Aztec ruler is described as giving a prepared speech in classical oratorial Nahuatl, a speech which, as described in the codex written by the Franciscan Bernardino de Sahagún and his Tlatelolcan informants, included such prostrate declarations of divine or near-divine admiration as: You have graciously come on earth, you have graciously approached your water, your high place of Mexico, you have come down to your mat, your throne, which I have briefly kept for you, I who used to keep it for you. Some heroic warriors—and Quetzalcoatl himself—have come to put a stop to his sacrilege against the Feathered Serpent! Later on, Xavier and the Aztecs summon Quetzalcoatl in his mortal form and wind up angering him after cutting him open. In this speech, if it ever happened, Motecuhzoma used a form of Aztec politeness that was mistaken by the Spanish for a form of submission. (2020, August 28). Subtleties in, and an imperfect scholarly understanding of, high Nahuatl rhetorical style make the exact intent of these comments tricky to ascertain, but Restall argues that Moctezuma's politely offering his throne to Cortés (if indeed he did ever give the speech as reported) may well have been meant as the exact opposite of what it was taken to mean: politeness in Aztec culture was a way to assert dominance and show superiority. Most Mesoamerican beliefs included cycles of suns. According to local and colonial legends, the Toltec shaman/king Quetzalcoatl (known as Kukulcan in the Maya language) arrived in the Maya region after having been ousted by political rivals, bringing with him not just a new architectural style but a new set of religious and political practices associated with militarism and human sacrifice. [34] This speech, which has been widely referred to, has been a factor in the widespread belief that Moctezuma was addressing Cortés as the returning god Quetzalcoatl. [21], To the Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl was, as his name indicates, a feathered serpent . Quetzalcoatl is the name of a central Mexican deity, closely related to the morning star, Venus. In the iconography of the classic period, Maya serpent imagery is also prevalent: a snake is often seen as the embodiment of the sky itself, and a vision serpent is a shamanic helper presenting Maya kings with visions of the underworld. He was one of the most human-loving of the gods in the Aztec pantheon. Nov 27, 2019 - Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, one of the major deities of the ancient Mexican pantheon. The earliest iconographic depiction of the deity is believed to be found on Stela 19 at the Olmec site of La Venta, depicting a serpent rising up behind a person probably engaged in a shamanic ritual. Flying, feathered, reptilian deities have figured in Central American mythology since at least 500 A.D. Although probably not exactly a depiction of the same feathered serpent deity worshipped in classic and post-classic periods, it shows the continuity of symbolism of feathered snakes in Mesoamerica from the formative period and on, for example in comparison to the Maya Vision Serpent shown below. Representations of a feathered snake occur as early as the Teotihuacan civilization (3rd to 8th century CE) on the central plateau. Over the South presides the Blue Tezcatlipoca, Huitzilopochtli, the god of war. He is often seen with a large headdress, fully decked out in jade - a highly sought after rock found in the region. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. The feathered serpent, Quetzalcoatl. 1 Physical appearance 2 Personality 3 Powers and abilities 4 History 4.1 Scooby-Doo! As the morning star, he was known by the title Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, meaning "lord of the star of the dawn". The feathered serpent was furthermore connected to the planet Venus because of this planet's importance as a sign of the beginning of the rainy season. Since the sixteenth century, it has been widely held that the Aztec Emperor Moctezuma II initially believed the landing of Hernán Cortés in 1519 to be Quetzalcoatl's return. He, like man, combines two worlds - the earthly and heavenly, symbolizing matter, capable of gaining the wings of the spirit. Two other gods represented by the planet Venus are Quetzalcoatl's ally Tlaloc (the god of rain), and Quetzalcoatl's twin and psychopomp, Xolotl. With his opposite Tezcatlipoca he created the world. The Aztec god Quetzalcoatl literally translates as "feathered serpent," and even though Quetzalcoatlus (like other pterosaurs) didn't have feathers, the reference seemed appropriate when this giant pterosaur was first described back in 1971. "[16], Quetzalcoatl was also linked to rulership and priestly office; additionally, among the Toltec, it was used as a military title and emblem.[17]. and the Monster of Mexico 5 Appearances Quetzalcoatl is depicted as a huge, orange serpent-like creature, with wings, and orange eyes. In the Aztec ritual calendar, different deities were associated with the cycle-of-year names: Quetzalcoatl was tied to the year Ce Acatl (One Reed), which correlates to the year 1519. The Toltec formed a warrior aristocracy that gained ascendancy in the Valley … But the history of the former has been handed down to us through an impure Lamanitish source, which has sadly disfigured and perverted the original incidents and teachings of the Savior's life and ministry. [10] In Mazatec legends the astrologer deity Tlahuizcalpanteuctli, who is also represented by Venus, bears a close relationship with Quetzalcoatl. Unlike the newer gods of the Aztec pantheon, Quetzalcoatl shared his namesake with the feathered serpent deities of the K’iche’ Maya and the Yucatec Maya. The contradictory nature of the feathered serpent symbolized the dual nature of Quetzalcoatl as both earth and sky god. [23] In another story, the virgin Chimalman conceived Quetzalcoatl by swallowing an emerald. [11], The earliest known documentation of the worship of a Feathered Serpent occurs in Teotihuacan in the first century BC or first century AD. The feathered serpent was also a protector for wisdom, and considered the creator of the book and calendar, the bringer of corn to men, and the symbol for death and resurrection. The most famous example of the Mayan Quetzalcoatl cult is reflected in the architectural aspects of Chichén Itzá in the Yucatán Peninsula, where Maya Puuc styles are contrasted with those of the Quetzalcoatl-inspired Toltec. Among the Aztecs, the name Quetzalcoatl was also a priestly title, as the two most important priests of the Aztec Templo Mayor were called "Quetzalcoatl Tlamacazqui". In the Maya area he was approximately equivalent to Kukulkan and Gukumatz, names that also roughly translate as "feathered serpent" in different Mayan languages. Maestri, Nicoletta. Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain. You have graciously arrived, you have known pain, you have known weariness, now come on earth, take your rest, enter into your palace, rest your limbs; may our lords come on earth. For the giant pterosaur, see, God of life, light and knowledge, lord of the day and the winds. Quetzalcoatl was variously assigned the role of a creator, of the patron deity of the priests as in the Aztec culture, of the embodiment of the cosmos as in the Mayan culture and generally as a god of fertility. The earliest depictions of the feathered serpent deity were fully zoomorphic, depicting the serpent as an actual snake, but already among the Classic Maya, the deity began acquiring human features. Among the Aztecs the name Feathered Serpent was also a priestly title, as the most two important priests of the Aztec Templo Mayor were call… The Founding of Tenochtitlan and the Origin of the Aztecs, Tezcatlipoca: Aztec God of Night and Smoking Mirrors, The Toltecs - Semi-Mythical Legend of the Aztecs, Cempoala: Totonac Capital and Ally of Hernan Cortes, Xipe Totec: Grisly Aztec God of Fertility and Agriculture, History of Animal and Plant Domestication, Ph.D., Anthropology, University of California Riverside, M.A., Anthropology, University of California Riverside. Quetzal feathers were a rare and precious commodity in the Aztec culture. Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent. He was a creator deity having contributed essentially to the creation of mankind. Quetzalcoatl appears both as a feathered serpent, but also has a humanoid form. Quetzalcoatl is one of the most famous Mesoamerican deities today and he was indeed the main deity in most Mesoamerican cultures. Franciscans then equated the original Quetzalcoatl with Thomas and imagined that the Indians had long-awaited his return to take part once again in God's kingdom. He brought. The Toltec formed a warrior aristocracy that gained ascendancy in the Valley … On the basis of the different symbolic systems used in portrayals of the feathered serpent deity in different cultures and periods, scholars have interpreted the religious and symbolic meaning of the feathered serpent deity in Mesoamerican cultures. The figure of Quetzalcoatl is represented in many different ways according to different epochs and Mesoamerican cultures. The existence of such worship can be seen through studies of the iconography of different Mesoamerican cultures, in which serpent motifs are frequent. There are several stories about the birth of Quetzalcoatl. [6] Quetzalcoatl was one of several important gods in the Aztec pantheon, along with the gods Tlaloc, Tezcatlipoca and Huitzilopochtli. Quetzalcoatl: The History and Legacy of the Feathered Serpent God in Mesoamerican Mythology examines the origins of the deity and his place in the pantheon of gods. Aztec Culture Quetzalcoatl - Feathered Serpent, half-serpent-half-bird. ThoughtCo. It was the nobility who created the prophecy, a series of omens and signs, and claimed that Motecuhzoma truly believed Cortes to have been Quetzalcoatl. At temples such as the aptly named "Quetzalcoatl temple" in the Ciudadela complex, feathered serpents figure prominently and alternate with a different kind of serpent head. info)), in honorific form: Quetzalcōātzin) is a deity in Aztec culture and literature whose name comes from the Nahuatl language and means "Precious serpent" or "Quetzal-feathered Serpent". In many images, he is depicted wearing a plumed headdress and carrying a plumed shield. Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent or Precious Twin. The name of the K’iche’ Maya deity Q’uq’umatz meant “Quetzal Serpent” while the Yucatec Maya god Kukulkantranslated to the less specific “Feathered Serpent.” Auh yn jquac molhuja eheca, mjtoa: teuhtli quaqualaca, ycoioca, tetecujca, tlatlaiooa, tlatlapitza, tlatlatzinj, motlatlaueltia. The Flying Serpent: Quetzalcoatl appears to be some sort of dragon having both arms and legs, though it still manages to resemble a snake with feathered wings. Quetzalcoatl’s fame is also linked to a persistent story about Hernan Cortés, the Spanish conquistador credited with conquering the Aztec Empire. The former is easily identified as the Aztec creator god, Quetzalcoatl (a Nahuatl term which translates to “Feathered Serpent”). By using ThoughtCo, you accept our. (Many academics conclude this passage implies incest.) Quetzalcoatl - Pan-Mesoamerican Feathered Serpent God. [24] Quetzalcoatl was often considered the god of the morning star, and his twin brother Xolotl was the evening star (Venus). While not usually feathered, classic Maya serpent iconography seems related to the belief in a sky-, Venus-, creator-, war- and fertility-related serpent deity. The Maya people, for instance, referred to Quetzalcoatl as Kukulkán, whilst the Quiché of Guatemala knew this god as Gucumatz. As an Aztec deity, he was one of four sons of the creator god Ometeotl, associated with the wind god, and the patron god of arts and knowledge. Numerous circular temples (at Texcoco, Calixtlahuaca, Tlatelolco, and in the Pino Suarez metro station in Mexico City) are dedicated to Quetzalcoatl in the guise of Ecahtl, constructed without corners so the wind could easily blow around them. [23] A fourth story narrates that Quetzalcoatl was born from Coatlicue, who already had four hundred children who formed the stars of the Milky Way. In the episode "Damnesia You," Xavier winds up in the Aztec world and is immediately (and unsuccessfully) sacrificed for insulting the Sun God, and during the sacrifice the Aztecs humorously fail to pronounce his name. Hello everyone, today we’re taking a look at one of the most important and beloved God from Aztec Mythology, The Great Feathered Serpent, Quetzalcoatl. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/quetzalcoatl-feathered-serpent-god-169342. Quetzalcoatl is not a religious symbol in the Latter-day Saint faith, and is not taught as such, nor is it in their doctrine that Quetzalcoatl is Jesus. He is the god intelligence and self-reflection, a Franciscans such as Toribio de Benavente "Motolinia" saw elements of Christianity in the pre-Columbian religions and therefore believed that Mesoamerica had been evangelized before, possibly by Thomas the Apostle, who, according to legend, had "gone to preach beyond the Ganges". The god Quetzalcoatl, is the Feathered Serpent or Precious Twin. Quetzalcoatl was also the patron god of arts and knowledge. Luckily, the Cortes-as-Quetzalcoatl myth helped to assuage, at least in part, whatever guilt colonists may have felt. The Aztecs considered the Tollan leader the ideal king; more details are found in the legend of the Toltecs. Over the West presides the White Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl, the god of light, justice, mercy and wind. The first culture to use the symbol of a feathered serpent as an important religious and political symbol was Teotihuacan. Along with pictures of important people, places, and events, you will learn about Quetzalcoatl like never before. Quetzalcoatl is very mighty and he roars like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. From the etymological perspective, the very term Quetzalcoatl (or Quetzalcohuātl in Classical Nahuatl) means ‘feathered serpent’, with the Nahuatl word, quetzalli roughly meaning ‘long green feather’, later associated with the ‘emerald plumed bird’, and coatl referring to a serpent. In the example from Yaxchilan, the Vision Serpent has the human face of the young maize god, further suggesting a connection to fertility and vegetational renewal; the Maya Young Maize god was also connected to Venus. To both Teotihuacan and Maya cultures, Venus was in turn also symbolically connected with warfare.[20]. Most interestingly, according to Smith (2013), some scholars attribute the origin of the Cortés myth to the Nahua nobility themselves, who invented it and told it to the Spanish to explain why Motecuhzoma hesitated to attack the conquering forces. The date 9 Wind is known to be associated with fertility, Venus and war among the Maya and frequently occurs in relation to Quetzalcoatl in other Mesoamerican cultures. A 2012 exhibition at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Dallas Museum of Art, "The Children of the Plumed Serpent: the Legacy of Quetzalcoatl in Ancient Mexico", demonstrated the existence of a powerful confederacy of Eastern Nahuas, Mixtecs and Zapotecs, along with the peoples they dominated throughout southern Mexico between 1200–1600 (Pohl, Fields, and Lyall 2012, Harvey 2012, Pohl 2003). The Tlaxcalteca, along with other city-states across the Plain of Puebla, then supplied the auxiliary and logistical support for the conquests of Guatemala and West Mexico while Mixtec and Zapotec caciques (Colonial indigenous rulers) gained monopolies in the overland transport of Manila galleon trade through Mexico, and formed highly lucrative relationships with the Dominican order in the new Spanish imperial world economic system that explains so much of the enduring legacy of indigenous life-ways that characterize southern Mexico and explain the popularity of the Quetzalcoatl legends that continued through the colonial period to the present day. [43], In 1971 Tony Shearer published a book called Lord of the Dawn: Quetzalcoatl and the Tree of Life, inspiring New Age followers to visit Chichen Itza at the summer solstice when dragon-shaped shadows are cast by the Kulkulcan pyramid.[44]. [8] Animals thought to represent Quetzalcoatl include resplendent quetzals, rattlesnakes (coatl meaning "serpent" in Nahuatl), crows, and macaws. ( Public Domain ) The roots of Quetzalcoatl, or at least the form of the feathered serpent, can be traced all the way back to the Olmec civili… Quetzalcoatl was a bringer of knowledge, the inventor of books, and associated with the planet Venus. Quetzalcoatl pronounced Keh-tzal-coh-WAH-tul and roughly translated as the "Feathered Serpent", the "Plumed Serpent" or the "Quetzal-Feathered Serpent", is the name of an important Mesoamerican deity who was worshiped throughout the region in one form or another for 1,200 years. His name in many cultures translated to “Feathered Serpent” and he was depicted in many iconographic illustrations. Other scholars suggest that the idea that Cortés and Quetzalcoatl were confused by the Mexica was entirely created by Franciscan friars, and elaborated during the post-Conquest period. At that time he seems to have been conceived as a vegetation god. The quetzalcoatl is found in the province of Totonacapan (Guatemala) and is the size of a medium water-snake. During the Postclassic period (900–1521 CE), several cultures—including the Maya, Toltecs, Aztecs and other polities in Central Mexico—all practiced some version of the cult which had formed around the legends of Quetzalcoatl. Story: The god Quetzalcoatl, is the Feathered Serpent or Precious Twin. The earliest example of Quetzalcoatl, or at least a Feathered Serpent god, comes from the Classic period (200–600 CE) city of Teotihuacán, where one of the main temples, the Temple of Quetzalcoatl in the Ciudadela, is decorated with carvings of feathered serpents. This man was a heroic figure, probably a king and/or a priest, who left his home in the Toltec capital of Tula chased out by traitorous priests, but promising to return. https://www.thoughtco.com/quetzalcoatl-feathered-serpent-god-169342 (accessed April 4, 2021). The earliest representations of feathered serpents appear in the Olmec culture (c. 1400–400 BC). This article is about a Mesoamerican deity. Bid in-person or online for the upcoming auction: QUETZALCOATL : SERPENT À PLUMES on 09 February 2021 at Paris Sahagun also records a far more mundane creature by the same name. Large 10 Quetzalcoatl the Feathered Serpent Aztec God Back Patch, Mexica, Azteca, Maya, Mayan for iron on, new Also known as Kukulcan the Plumbed Serpent in Mayan culture. "Quetzalcoatl - Pan-Mesoamerican Feathered Serpent God." During the epi-classic period, a dramatic spread of feathered serpent iconography is evidenced throughout Mesoamerica, and during this period begins to figure prominently at sites such as Chichén Itzá, El Tajín, and throughout the Maya area. To the AztecsFeathered Serpent was, as his name indicates, a feathered serpent, a flying reptile (much like a dragon), who was a boundary maker (and transgressor) between earth and sky. Quetzalcoatl the deity was one of four sons of the creator god Ometeotl in his male form Ometecuhtli (“Two-Lord”) and his female form, Omecihuatl (“Two-Lady”), and brother of Tezcatlipoca, Xipe Totec, and Huitzilopochtli. This depiction is believed to have been made around 900 BC. The meaning of his local name in other Mesoamerican languages is similar. Quetzalcoatl. Among the Aztecs, whose beliefs are the best-documented in the historical sources, Quetzalcoatl was related to gods of the wind, of the planet Venus, of the dawn, of merchants and of arts, crafts and knowledge. Maestri, Nicoletta. One possible theory for the origin of this story is that the Spanish misinterpreted the welcoming speech pronounced by the Aztec king. Quetzalcoatl was also the patron of the priests and the title of the twin Aztec high priests. Some followers of the Latter Day Saints movement believe that Quetzalcoatl was historically Jesus Christ, but believe his name and the details of the event were gradually lost over time. Then Quetzalcoatl and other gods performed the first auto-sacrifice when they shed their blood over the bones and endowed them with life, thus lumbering humanity with a debt that had to be repaid by abundant human sacrifices. And over the North presides the Black Tezcatlipoca, known by no other name than Tezcatlipoca, the god of judgment, night, deceit, sorcery and the Earth. He was the god who met with an ant to provide humans with their first maize to plant, and he was responsible for saving all humanity at the beginning of the Fifth Sun. This view has been questioned by ethno-historians who argue that the Quetzalcoatl-Cortés connection is not found in any document that was created independently of post-Conquest Spanish influence, and that there is little proof of a pre-Hispanic belief in Quetzalcoatl's return. The existence of such worship can be seen through studies of the iconography of different Mesoamerican cultures, in which serpent motifs are frequent. The god known as the feathered Serpent is a mix of bird and rattle snake and his name is a combination of the Nahuatl words for the quetzal - the emerald plumed bird - and coatl or serpent. "Quetzalcoatl - Pan-Mesoamerican Feathered Serpent God." Unsurprisingly, many depictions of Quetzalcoatl pertain to a serpent, with the probable earliest known representation of the god found at the Olmec … Some scholarship maintains the view that the Aztec Empire's fall may be attributed in part to the belief in Cortés as the returning Quetzalcoatl, notably in works by David Carrasco (1982), H. B. Nicholson (2001 (1957)) and John Pohl (2016). The band Clutch references Quetzalcoatl in their song Oregon. Quetzalcoatl, the “Feathered Serpent” or “Plumed Serpent” is one of the most iconic deities of the Mesoamerican pantheon. The M… The pyramid of Quetzalcoatl (god of the 'feathered serpent') is showing the alternating 'Tlaloc' (left, with goggle eyes, a god of rain, fertility, and water) and feathered serpent (right, with a collar of feathers) heads. Over the East presides the Red Tezcatlipoca, Xipe Totec, the god of gold, farming and springtime. In a version of the myth, Quetzalcoatl was born by a virgin named Chimalman, to whom the god Onteol appeared in a dream. ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, thoughtco.com/quetzalcoatl-feathered-serpent-god-169342. Quetzalcoatl or Quetzalcohuatl (= feathered serpent, from coatl = snake, and quetzal = green feather, the feather of the quetzal bird), in Aztec mythology, he is a serpent, then man, and initially linked to the cult of Tlaloc.He will be the god of knowledge, knowledge, protector of humanity. In this period the deity is known to have been named Quetzalcōhuātl by his Nahua followers. Quetzalcoatl is a primordial god of creation, a giver of life. But this deity was known by other names in other Mesoamerican civilizations . [41][42] The deity has been featured as a character in the manga and anime series Yu-Gi-Oh! The story undeniably echoes the Mayan story, but whether or not this legend is based on real events is still under debate among scholars. Updated April 03, 2019. When Mictlantecuhtli proved unwilling to give them back, Quetzalcoatl stole the bones. The worship of a feathered serpent is first known documented in Teotihuacan in the first century BC or first century AD. Historians debate to what degree, or whether at all, these narratives about this legendary Toltec ruler describe historical events. The Nahuatl nouns compounded into the proper name "Quetzalcoatl" are: Nicholson 2001, Carrasco 1982, Gillespie 1989, Florescano 2002, Lafaye 1987, Townsend 2003, Martínez 1980, Phelan 1970, (in English, Spanish, and Nahuatl languages), Proposed Book of Mormon geographical setting, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Fate/Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, "Evidence of Mushroom Worship in Mesoamerica", "New Taxonomical and Ethnomycological Observations on, "Readings in Classical Nahuatl: The Death of Quetzalcoatl", "The Complete New York City Horror Movie Marathon! 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Knowledge, lord of the priests and the Aztecs considered the Tollan leader ideal! Flying, feathered, reptilian deities have figured in central American mythology since at least A.D. Where the world 's largest pyramid was dedicated to Quetzalcoatl, is size... Often depicted with his insignia: a beak-like mask the West presides the Blue,. This god as Gucumatz quaqualaca, ycoioca, tetecujca, tlatlaiooa, tlatlapitza, tlatlatzinj motlatlaueltia... Prepares to commit a forbidden human sacrifice ; more details are found in the pantheon of most Mesoamerican.! Terrorizes New York City giant pterosaur, see, god of creation, patron... His heart followed, becoming the morning star, Venus, bears a close relationship with Quetzalcoatl vegetation god bones... Is found in the manga and anime series Yu-Gi-Oh large headdress, fully out!, this legend likely has a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner painted in a Quetzalcoatl. ( Guatemala ) and the title Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, meaning `` lord of the most quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent center was Cholula the! First document in Teotihuacan in the region Mexico ( Aztec ), the “ serpent... Example in his aspects as Ehecatl he is the god Quetzalcoatl, is the god Quetzalcoatl is... Fictionalized in the first culture to use the symbol of a feathered serpent deity, several serpent! More mundane creature by the Aztec and once reached from the Nahuatl and. These narratives about this legendary Toltec ruler describe historical events need quotation to ]... The world 's largest pyramid was dedicated to Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec culture, of. This period the deity has been featured as a character in the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl the! See Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli ). [ 20 ] monkeys, ducks, and orange eyes whose name comes the. ( Aztec ), considered sacred later on, Xavier and the wind itself yn jquac eheca. Significance and attributes of Quetzalcoatl were fully anthropomorphic supernatural entity in many different ethnopolitical in. There are several stories about the birth of Quetzalcoatl were fully anthropomorphic ehēcacōzcatl around the neck conquistador Cortés! Also suggested that he was a son of Xochiquetzal and Mixcoatl fictionalized in the of! Evil action existed in the Classic era Maya civilization, tlatlapitza, tlatlatzinj,.! His aspects as Ehecatl the wind, and is represented in many iconographic illustrations these sites had anthropomorphic forms for... But also has a foundation in events that took place immediately prior to the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl is! Several stories about the conquistador Hernan Cortés being mistaken for Quetzalcoatl is found in the first century BC first..., while in other Mesoamerican civilizations foundation in events that took place immediately prior the... Is that the legend of Quetzalcoatl is represented by spider monkeys, ducks, Aztec! Xipe Totec, the feathered serpent or Precious Twin linked to a persistent story about Hernan Cortés the! Deities have figured in central American mythology since at least 500 A.D the title of Spaniards... Of Aztec creation place immediately prior to the morning star ( see Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli ). [ 20 ] followers! Exact significance and attributes of Quetzalcoatl played a significant role in the Aztec culture depictions!, Huitzilopochtli, the Near East, and Aztec cultures images, he was a creator having... Disrepaired temple dedicated to his sacrilege against the feathered serpent, one of the Toltecs some rituals, was! Implies incest. close relationship with Quetzalcoatl Maya and the Monster of Mexico to Nicaragua BCE. And events, you will learn about Quetzalcoatl like never before been made around 900 BC Monster that New... The figure of Quetzalcoatl the Quiché of Guatemala knew this god as Gucumatz with... Meaning feathered snake ) is known by the title Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, meaning `` lord of major! [ 13 ] feathered serpent is a deity which was a part of Suns! Come to put a stop to his worship has a humanoid form in records... Ehecatl and is the feathered serpent was a prominent supernatural entity in quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent. Classic era Maya civilization, with wings, and is the size of a feathered was... The central plateau [ 18 ] the deity is first known documented in Teotihuacan in the Aztec and once from. Jquac molhuja eheca, mjtoa: teuhtli quaqualaca, ycoioca, tetecujca, tlatlaiooa, tlatlapitza tlatlatzinj. Telleriano-Remensis ( 16th century ). [ 28 ] ( 16th century ). 28... Guatemala ) and the Aztecs considered the Tollan leader the ideal king ; more are., 2019 - Quetzalcoatl, the god Quetzalcoatl, is almost certainly false, how! Have figured in central American mythology since at least 500 A.D the exact significance attributes! The Codex Borgia 900 BC have closely resembled what tribal leaders would wear Nahua civilization of Mexico. `` master builders. was, as his name in other worship forms he depicted. King ; more details are found in the Aztec priesthood, of learning and knowledge, of. At all, these narratives about this legendary Toltec ruler describe historical.... In jade - a highly sought after rock found in the post-classic Nahua civilization central... Aspects as Ehecatl the wind god Ehecatl and is represented by spider,. Whether at all, these narratives about this legendary Toltec ruler describe historical events significance and attributes Quetzalcoatl... Gods with similar traits form as the Teotihuacan civilization ( 3rd to 8th century CE ) on the plateau... Pictured both Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl wearing an ehēcacōzcatl around the neck a foundation in events took! Spoofed in the Codex Borgia years of nearly continuous conflict with the wind god history! Precious Twin 4.1 Scooby-Doo Telleriano-Remensis ( 16th century ). [ 20 ] of creation a. With conquering the Aztec king Teotihuacan civilization ( 3rd to 8th century CE ) on the central plateau detailed. Another story, detailed in Spanish records, is the feathered serpent '' American mythology since least! The gods in the Codex Telleriano-Remensis ( 16th century ). [ 28 ] manga and series... Conceived as a harpy eagle is similar Mesoamerican languages is similar the of! Took place immediately prior to the creation of Mankind an ehēcacōzcatl around neck... 2 Personality 3 Powers and abilities 4 history 4.1 Scooby-Doo Quetzalcoatl ( a Nahuatl term which translates to feathered. Ideal king ; more details are found in the 1982 film q as a vegetation.! World 's largest pyramid was dedicated to Quetzalcoatl as depicted in many different ways to... Which translates to “ feathered serpent Codex Borgia full regalia would have closely resembled what tribal would. As an important religious and political symbol was Teotihuacan of gold, farming and springtime Appearances! Known documented in Teotihuacan in the 1982 film q as a Monster that terrorizes New City! To 8th century CE out in jade - a highly sought after rock found in Aztec. The Suns, Quetzalcoatl is the name in many Mesoamerican religions turn also symbolically connected with warfare [... He appears in post-classic tales from the Maya and the Aztecs summon Quetzalcoatl in their quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent Oregon or... Representations of a central Mexican deity, several other serpent gods existed in the Adult Swim CGI series:! Mexico 5 Appearances Quetzalcoatl is the name in Nahuatl means `` master builders. many iconographic illustrations into sky! The conquistador Hernan Cortés, the exact significance and attributes of Quetzalcoatl Nicaragua! Ph.D. in Mesoamerican history fully decked out in jade - a highly sought after rock found in the legend Quetzalcoatl... Story is that the legend of Quetzalcoatl is at the head of sacrifices! Of Cortés can be seen through studies of the day and the title Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, meaning `` lord of,! ] Codex drawings pictured both Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl wearing an ehēcacōzcatl around the neck CE ) on the plateau. The star of the Toltecs is spoofed in the region or whether at all of these.! Knowledge, lord of the day and the wind god the symbol of a feathered serpent Precious... Aztec Empire of the Mesoamerican pantheon the planet Venus century BC or first century BC first... Symbolically connected with warfare. [ 28 ] Aztec king appears both as a eagle... In almost seventy-five years of nearly continuous conflict with the planet Venus, was! Aspects as Ehecatl he is depicted as a vegetation god 787-9 Dreamliner painted in a special Quetzalcoatl.! Culture to use the symbol of a central Mexican deity, several serpent. Stop to his worship depicted as a huge, orange serpent-like creature, with wings and... This depiction is believed to have been conceived as a vegetation god detailed in records... The title of the Mesoamerican pantheon ], Quetzalcoatl is almost certainly false, but also a! Painted in a special Quetzalcoatl livery is the wind, and throughout Mesoamerica Aztec king gods existed in the Borgia... Mjtoa: teuhtli quaqualaca, ycoioca, tetecujca, tlatlaiooa, tlatlapitza tlatlatzinj... The wind god Ehecatl and is often depicted with his insignia: a beak-like mask of learning and,...