Ugh... November 19th 2015. Their discussion is interrupted by Wayne bursting in to tell Wax that the Marksman has made his move. Wax flies out into the night and sees the crowd dispersing in the mansion's garden. Steris and Wax discuss wedding invitations, with Steris trying to work out which of Wax's enemies to invite so that she can properly plan for the wedding to be interrupted. Aradel resents Wax because he can do whatever he wants, and he has to clean up his messes. When exactly in 2014, though? This and the Reckoners books seem much lighter fodder as if Brandon is aiming them at a younger audience? Innate retires to his room to prepare his remarks, not allowing anyone in the room with him. Cett's Coinshot employee shows up to report on the drivers, and she lets slip that they also employ a Rioter to drum up business, a serious crime. Wax arrives at a Pathian church with a mob outside. The society is evolving as technology and magic blend. She finds the Soother and Rioter in there, and she pulls a gun on them. MeLaan rejoins her and they head to the governor's mansion. The barkeep tells him that if he'll pay, he might know someone who knows Granite Joe. He asks for the names of known Steelrunners. Wax and Wayne discuss the murder and why Idashwy left the Village. She turns translucent and confirms that there is a crazy kandra on the loose. Then, when he's out of ammo, he uses Ranette's hook device to kill the rest with some help from MeLaan. In conversation, she realizes the reason for the resentment from the others in the office is due to her getting the position of Aradel's assistant instead of Reddi, one of their own. He yells at MeLaan, and she grabs Bleeder, but she's too strong and fast for them. He tries to figure out where to hide him, knowing that it will be hard to outguess someone as old and crafty as Bleeder. Granite Joe bought Lessie out, and … Innate doesn't want to deal with him, so Wax threatens to just leave him alone without help. Marasi drags the Soother toward the crowd. Wax doesn't think the spikes are hemalurgic but asks for a sample anyway. They agree to let Wax help protect the governor. The accent is off, so he realizes who Bleeder is impersonating. The Reckoners Steelheart Firefight Calamity. The Rithmatist series The Rithmatist . Wax and Marasi have arrived, interrupting Wayne and MeLaan's belching contest. He sees the orange glow of fires in the city. No one is certain who started the gunfight, but Flog decides to go back up to the room to investigate. There’s a shootout. Wax decides he will need to talk to the man who tried to shoot him. After a standoff, they work out they are both after the same quarry and resolve to work together and split the reward. The visit to the bank was one reason why Wax left Elendel for the Roughs, where one man with a gun could make a difference. Marasi requests a carriage to deliver the writ, but there are none available at the moment because of everyone else sending messages. They Push up to an outcropping and Wax examines a tether from Ranette. Self-Knowledge. Reddi engages with his dueling cane, and the two groups start fighting. He leads Wax to a certain room where Paalm has discarded an old copy of The Words of Founding, pages ripped out and random words and curses written in blood on them. Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist, called this the shadow. Marasi fears that the city is reaching a breaking point. His bodyguard Flog follows nearby. Vwafendal worries about the mixing of Feruchemy and Allomancy -- she fears another tyrant will come. Wax has been up all night analyzing the crime scene. She's out of speed, but now she's now a coinshot. Marasi reports to Aradel and he orders Reddi to get tea for the witnesses. He injects it into him, revealing that he is a kandra in disguise. She sits near him and says nothing, only putting her hand on his. Wax remembers seeing her before as a dancing girl. When he sees his carriage, he lands on top of it and asks Drim to let him in. Even the flood, causing the food shortage, might be attributable to sabotage. Marasi and MeLaan arrive at the precinct where rifles are laid out. Aradel will still protect the governor, but he sides with the people. We have all the world building we’re used to, and the glorious action, but we also have the tension and mystery created by hunting down an unknown assailant, an unknown foe. He Pushes past the remaining snipers and into the canal, then Pushes on the mooring rings to quickly swim away from danger. After MeLaan's demonstration, Aradel asks Marasi to give him reports on what Wax is doing. He sees two guards, apparently watching for him, and he sees that his other ways in have been foiled. She shoots guards as she makes her way to the saferoom, which she unlocks. Wax kills several with his guns. Here’s our recap of what happened in Shadows of Self. Once Wax says he will pay, the barkeep leads him to a small room near the stairs, telling him to wait. She likes Wayne but decides that he must die because he is of Harmony. Wax steelpushes his way to Lord Harms house. Wayne mimics the man, learning the accent as he talks to him, having a mouthful of whisky before trading the flask for the man's hat. A tall woman who introduces herself as "Milan" starts flirting with Wax, and he stares her down. When he does, Wayne saunters in with no problem. It has a deliberate steampunk feel to it. A Survivorist priest then speaks, telling the crowd that the Survivor would not encourage them to loot and destroy. The "deity" is Breeze, so the worship ritual revolves around drinking. After the conversation, Winsting identifies the woman as a spy -- possibly from the constabulary -- to his bodyguard Flog, and orders her watched. Wax shows Wayne the book that Death had given him and invites him to read it. Chapaou tells Wax what happened while he examines the items Paalm left behind in the coach. They then killed Lord Winsting and executed the guards outside on their way out. Wayne goes around changing everyone's drink to cheer them up, adding soda water, sugar, lime, etc. Shadows of Self, the fifth book in the Mistborn series, is scheduled for release by Tor on October 6, 2015. Wax gives chase and tells Wayne to stay behind to protect the governor in case this is another diversion. They head out on horseback, and Marasi gives Aradel the letters she had confiscated from the mansion. As a result we often bury them where they sleep safely in the unconscious remaining untouched until they are triggered creating a shadow self. They find a corpse, with a large hole in its chest, in the kitchen. It turns to be a special old coin, a message to Wax. Wax limps over to Bleeder to make sure she's neutralized. Wax yells for help. She also tells Aradel of her secret file on Governor Innate. Marasi enters the precinct offices to report in to Aradel. Wax figures Bleeder hasn't killed the governor yet because she wants to do it in front of the people to incite a complete riot. Wax doesn't care. She manages to sneak up to the carriage, where she finds two guards. It turns out the man didn't believe Wax, signed the loan, and killed himself eight years later, still in debt. Marasi cleans up after being covered with blood. Wax catches his eye and he runs. Wax leaps out into the Mists. Steris disapproves of Wax wearing his mistcoat, but she does let him decide what to do in order to find Bleeder rather than simply chatting with various nobles. He talks to Dims, a leader of a street gang, and tries some gum for the first time. He shoots the female guard and Pushes on the male guard's gun, ruining his shot. He channels the crowd's rage by promising to arrest a bunch of corrupt nobles. She feels calm too, and realizes someone is Soothing the crowd. The speed bubble collapses after Wayne leaves it, and he throws Marks over his shoulder and strolls away, eating an apple. Wax and Steris and the governor make some small talk, then Wax warns him that the assassination attempt was just a distraction. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. She wanders about and decides to visit the saferoom. Steris puts a log on. Looking around, he sees that he placed the bubble perfectly, with the other half dozen individuals in the room outside of the bubble. TenSoon explains that the kandra don't come back to the Homeland often, preferring to live in the world, interacting with their own kind. Wax joins them and easily Pushes on the bracers, confirming that they aren't metalminds. The same words that Bloody Tan had said before Lessie had been killed. It was either Bleeder and someone else, or maybe two confederates, or maybe the Set? He likes to rip my heart out over and over again in his books and it's basically torture. Extra constables are being called in. In the meantime, Wayne has found the address where Idashwy is staying. He tells them that everyone upstairs is dead. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. He asks MeLaan about immortality, and she reveals that TenSoon and others figured out how to die, if a kandra so desired. She worries that the Set is involved and that there is a Rioter waiting for the right moment in the speech to whip up the crowd again. The bullets scatter as they pass through the bubble, but many hit Paalm and blood is spurting everywhere. He says he may be able to find someone that knows if he can pay. by Tor Books. Bleeder hints that she really is Lessie. I worry that you're not letting yourself enjoy some really cool books, simply because you associate two things that aren't inherently linked. Unwanted experiences are actually a reflection of our own Shadow Self. He leads Wax to another way out. Wax and Steris walk by a display of allomantic metals, including one for atium, the lost metal. Wax suddenly hears a voice in his head, taunting him about the phony nobles and Harmony's control. They rehash old arguments about Wax's chosen way of life as a lawkeeper. Wax thinks he sees Bloody Tan, but he can't find him when he looks for the man. Shadows of Self is the second in Sanderson’s Wax and Wayne series (or the fifth Mistborn, however you like to look at it) and is set in the same world as the Mistborn trilogy only several hundred years later at a point in which the society is on the cusp of becoming industrialised. [ that freaking Lessie had been Bleeder all along!!! He shoots her in the head. Wayne listens to someone whip up a mob, railing against the abuse at the hands of the aristocracy. Wax whistles a couple of times for his horse so they can jump into the saddle and ride off, but he doesn't show up. She looks like Lessie. Refresh and try again. Marasi reminds herself of her hostage training: talk him down, speak comforting words. A Pathian priest named Larskpur had started preaching to the congregation, gathered for the mistdawn, then lowered a drape revealing Father Bin nailed to the wall. She somehow wants to free people of Harmony and destroy him. She also reveals that Harmony doesn't know what the metal spike is made of, so Marasi decides to research Trell. Wax tells Wayne that he would have if he'd caught Wayne in the act, which cheers Wayne up. He agrees with their sentiment and shouts along with them. Normally, the people there are drinking and happy, but now they are morose and desperate. He desperately retreats and is pinned down by gunfire. Wax is relating the story to Steris on the way to the party. He asks the proprietor for who has retained a carriage that night, and he seems to eager to please, raising Wax's suspicions. Wax figures his uncle is behind this because of all the aluminum bullets, and he fears that Bleeder and the Set may be working together. They start to crawl up, hearing more howling creatures coming their way. Because the Shadow Self is in the unconscious mind, we are unaware of it and the influence it is having on our lives. Eventually Flog returns, and Winsting lets him in. Bleeder had already jumped out of the car on Tage Street. Wayne throws Marks out the window, then follows him out. He talks to Wax, stalling for reinforcements. Shadows of Self shows Mistborn’s society evolving as technology and magic mix, the economy grows, democracy contends with corruption, and religion becomes a growing cultural force, with four faiths competing for converts. Eventually the kid walks up and tells him that Destroyer (the horse) is still drinking. Constable-General Aradel is inside. He notices some movement in a window of a nearby office building, and Paalm starts speaking aloud in her raspy voice. She puts up a few speed bubbles for fractions of a second, making it look like there are metalborn among the fighters. The best way to neutralize her would be to pull her spike out, making her a mistwraith. Wayne enters the temple of the common man, basically a pub with altars and people praying. Wax and Lessie flirt for a bit, then he holds onto her and Pushes themselves back up to Wayne and his waiting horse. Wax scolds the governor for locking out the guards, but he argues that no one can really stop Bleeder anyway. As reinforcements scramble down to the basement, Wax strikes a dramatic pose next to the body of Granite Joe. The whole Mistborn series really is fantastic reading! Welcome back. Carl Jung is famous for formulating the concept of the shadow, the portion of our personality which, through the course of our life, is relegated to the darkness of the unconscious. In the present, it is one year since the defeat of the Vanishers. I wasn’t sure what happened after the events of The Final Empire and I was pretty sure I caught one or two in Alloy of Law but now there is conformation that the Kandra are still around…*happy dance*, [who better to help slay a god than dare I say it another god…who might be Vinesk, [Harmony might have played a really big part in Lessie’s death. MeLaan refuses to testify at trial. Wax has now been deputized by the city's constabulary. While waiting, a woman carefully breaks in through the window, an unlit cigar in her mouth. So, if we want to get to know our Shadow Self, all we need to do is look at the condition of our life. Wayne and Wax wait around while the governor has a meeting with city officials. He stops and sees Lessie pointing a crossbow at him. Then he promises aid for those affected by the floods. The trio go investigate. He has a minor illness because he is filling his goldmind -- with all the dead people at Winsting's place, he's bound to be needing healing soon. He then joins a group of men, fitting right in with his accent and his new hat. TenSoon explains that other kandra are out trying to counteract Paalm to calm the city down. MeLaan warns that she is not great at impersonating, but Paalm is one of the best. They will fight hand-to-hand to protect the nearby crowd from stray bullets. The governor appears and begins defending his brother, calling for an investigation of the constabulary. Now the populace will wonder if he is as corrupt as his brother. He tells her that he took care of her problem, at which point she realizes there's a person at his feet. Eventually the group dissipates, and Wayne trails the man who had lectured him. The arcanum displays a detailed chart of the metals (Metals Quick Reference Chart), a List of Metals with properties explained and a short essay, On The Three Metallic Arts. Wax pleads for help, but he doesn't have his earring in. After it was removed, he calmed down, but still wouldn't talk. Wax wants to know how to kill her, but MeLaan wants to help her because there are so few kandra left. He suggests she flee to the Village and get her colleagues to go with her. Marasi shares the information about the dam destruction, but he still wants proof that a kandra is involved. They peek out the door and see that the thugs in the saloon are obviously reluctant to face Wax. She's shocked when Wax moves the same speed as her -- Wayne is there and has thrown up a speed bubble including Wax. They tell him to get lost, but Vwafendal, his grandmother, intervenes. She continues to maneuver through the crowd to getting a better view of Innate. Wayne studies the picture and points out that the first four shots came from the direction of the enemies of those being shot, sowing even more chaos. Wax abruptly leaves Steris and Governor Innate to look for Bleeder. Here he meets Lessie, who is also looking for the same outlaw. They are now out of the Roughs and back into the urban city. As Wax sorts the pages, trying to discern a message, he learns about Vin from TenSoon. They get in line to talk to the governor. She moves on to where the governor is about to hold a press conference. Marasi arrives and tells Steris that the danger isn't over. [4.5 Stars] My emotions! He's feeling overwhelmed by his burdens. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.” — Carl Jung, He tells them that a kandra is after the governor, but they are incredulous and want to see proof. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. Bleeder draws an aluminum gun, but doesn't kill Wax. He's trying to forget something that he saw, obviously something terrible. Wax recognizes a number of the corpses as being notable criminals, and Aradel verifies the fact, adding that there are nearly 30 dead criminals of some significance. All clues that the farmer was actually Bleeder. Marks momentarily forgotten, he pushes through the crowd, trying to find the man he had seen, calling out to see if anyone had seen him. He offers her the usual monthly stipend, and she shows him the picture of her father, forcing him to repeat his crime. The sharpshooter had shifted around. She instead instinctively takes a small pistol out of her purse and shoots her captor through the head. However, I keep coming back for more. Wax turns on his protective steelpush bubble and colors his water to make it look like alcohol. She leads him into the visiting room and sends for Allriandre. His Push also sends his own gun into the face of the bodyguard, dropping him. Wax soars over the city and tries to find solitude after the disturbing conversations with his uncle and Bleeder. Wax's steel bubble protects him from all bullets but one, which gets him in the arm. “The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. MeLaan gives them a needle and syringe with a substance that will cause a kandra to lose shape and become immobilized if injected with it. People are gathering outside the mansion, chanting slogans. He manages to Push enough to fall safely, and he looks around for the gun. She says she regrets what she's doing, but it takes strong emotions to break free of Harmony. Wax briefly talks to Steris, who reminds him about Lady ZoBell's party. When Wax tells her that he asked the barkeep about Joe, she's incredulous, telling him everyone in the saloon belongs to Joe. He sends MeLaan to a tavern while he goes to check on Lord Harms (due to Bleeder's threat about Wax's "father"). I think you're confusing "Darker" and "Adult". This section contains 980 words (approx. PERFECTION. He's convinced that a Steelrunner is involved. Absolutely shattered. As they consider jumping anyway, Wax trusting in his coinshot abilities to land safely, he notices a moving blue line from across the street and the sun glinting off something, so he immediately pulls himself and Lessie to the ground as a shot is fired. He is declaring martial law. Wayne lags behind and finds an older man sitting next to a doorway, coughing. He tells her to invite the leaders among the seamstresses and forgeworkers of his house and the constable-general of each of the city octants. Aradel and the other constables watch the suspect (Rian) in the interrogation room through glass. (Summary from GoodReads) Shadows of Self shows Mistborn’s society evolving as technology and magic mix, the economy grows, democracy contends with corruption, and religion becomes a growing cultural force, with four faiths competing for converts. Unfortunately, it would kill a human, so Wax has to be sure before he can use it. 'Shadows of Self' genres are fantasy, sci-fi, crime and mystery. She's so worried about the mobs in the city that she doesn't get violent when Wayne flirts with her. Marasi complains that he's making him hate her, and Aradel says he's doing it because Reddi is worthless unless he's competing with someone. Edwarn would like Paalm taken down, but he's taking a wait and see approach and will not help Wax. Wayne is finishing up his interrogation of the staff. The governor seems unresponsive to the ills of the city, vetoing a workers' rights bill. It's not clear when the actual governor was killed, so the evidence against him is sketchy. He uses it to Push all the way to the top of the skyscraper. They can't figure out what kind of metal it is. Wayne reaches for another sausage and gets slapped in the face. If you need to read edgy books to feel mature, then you're going to miss a lot of neat stuff. They are running for the exit when they suddenly hear a strange howl that neither of them recognizes. He insists that the Set will be hailed as heroes against oppression and promises that Wax's sister will die if he does. After protesting that a carriage with horses would be better, he gets in and they drive off, Marasi and Wayne filling Wax in on the details. This page was last edited on 16 July 2020, at 21:16. Wax goes over to the window to think and notices a wad of gum. TenSoon fishes out a spike from one of them that has a red cast to it. Marasi overhears someone selling apples at a high price, and asks them about it. He shows himself with Vindication drawn, and the group scatters, although one person stays hidden nearby. Edwarn compares what he's doing with the Set to Kelsier's crew and posits that Wax would be on the Lord Ruler's side. The Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians series Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians The Scrivener’s Bones The Knights of Crystallia The Shattered Lens The Dark Talent. Meeting up with some of the other constables, she decides to work her way through the crowd to the front. Marasi wonders if that's the only reason that she got the job as his assistant -- so he could have access to Wax. He bribes her with a ticket to the governor's spring dinner he has obtained in a "trade" with Wax. They head out in a carriage driven by the new guy, Hoid. Susan Cooper. He mentions some technological advancements, like radio and aviation, that they haven't bothered to discover. He goes into a saloon in Weathering and asks the bartender where he can find Granite Joe. He goes there and searches but finds nothing. Wax shoots and misses, and Bleeder jumps out a window. He suddenly realizes that Innate isn't there, that his guards sent him off to a secure location. Wax has lost Marks for the moment, but he is leaving trail of blood and bank notes. BOOK SUMMARY: Shadows of Self shows Mistborn’s society evolving as technology and magic mix, the economy grows, democracy contends with corruption, and religion becomes a growing cultural force, with four faiths competing for converts. Marasi looks up at Father Bin's corpse, nailed to the wall by two spikes, one in each eye. King of Shadows Summary & Study Guide. Wax very nearly panics and fires his gun down the corridor, using the flashes to try to see who spoke. He bluffs his way past the caretaker and jumps down into a pit. TenSoon figures they are some kind of Hemalurgic construct that Paalm came up with. Poor Chapaou thinks that he went crazy and murdered someone, but Wax assures him he was just tricked. Marasi convinces MeLaan to impersonate the governor and give a sympathetic speech, rather than the inflammatory one Bleeder was planning. Start by marking “Shadows of Self (Mistborn, #5)” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Examining the scene, he concludes that it was the work of a feruchemist, specifically a Steelrunner. In that regard, she was far more … human than any I have known.”, “The law is not something holy, son. Slipping on his sets of wooden knuckle-bones, Wayne charges into the building, throwing up a speed bubble and knocking out Marks. Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker … Jung wrote, “Unfortunately there can be no doubt that man is, on the whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants himself to be. Instead of taking responsibility for our shadow “we prefer to localize the evil with individual criminals or groups of criminals, while washing our hands in innocence and ignoring the general proclivity to evil. TenSoon has led them to his collection of bones, and he quickly transforms into a superhuman form. [I’m going to *squee* a little here because there are still Kandra!!! Wax hates Harmony for forcing him to kill Lessie again. She threatens to kill the governor again and calls Wax a pawn. Wayne hears a voice and runs downstairs. With that, things that you had repressed, or chosen to overlook in life, are there waiting for you. Wax drops his lantern and panics, then realizes that there is glowing fungus here too. They run up the stairs, Wax firing and missing everything but the piano, and make it up to the second floor. They arrive at the party to a long line of carriages. I would like to read the stormlight archives, please advise me if these books are closer to the Mistborn trilogy or closer to the recent books? Shadows of Self – The #1 New York Times bestselling author returns to the world of Mistborn with his first novel in the series since The Alloy of Law.With The Alloy of Law, Brandon Sanderson surprised readers with a New York Times bestselling spinoff of his Mistborn books, set after the action of the trilogy, in a period corresponding to late 19th-century America.The trilogy’s heroes are now figures of myth and legend, even objects of religious veneration. Wax shoots off to pursue the assailant. Ranette is at the door. Like “The immortal demigod took a throaty slurp of her beer, then slammed the mug down onto the table, grinning like a four-year-old who had been paid in cookies to rat out her sister.” ― Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self. Ciannon Smart has been holed up in her England home since the pandemic began a year ago, but by no means has she been idle. He gives the coachman some money and tells him not to worry. Wax is about to corner Joe, when Lessie aims her crossbow at him. She is at first unconcerned, but then she realizes that Harmony is controlling her again. The various ministers seem more concerned about political ramifications she wanders about and decides to chase.! Bleeder walks toward wax and Marasi asks where he 's been he agrees with their sentiment and shouts along them... The horse ) is still drinking and claims control over the city getting out the window, then follows out! Recognizes him, and her next step is to bring her back instead Reddi! Creatures coming their way into the building, wax firing and missing everything the! Easily Pushes on the way to the ills of the Marksman 's mask that is. Staying close to him in my client ’ s lives and that my! 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