Realizó nuevas expediciones entre 1912 y 1913, pero abandonó su actividad científica cuando fue reclutado por el ejército alemán en 1914 para combatir en la Primera Guerra Mundial. En 1917, estudió científicamente el meteorito de Treysa. Esta página se editó por última vez el 21 ene 2021 a las 21:03. Wegener, Elsie; Loewe, Fritz, eds. Unknown photographer, 1906–1908. It was only in the 1960s, when the theory of plate tectonics was recognized as correct, that geologists finally accepted Wegener’s continental drift theory and his concept of Pangaea were also correct. The mausoleum has now, with the passing of time, been buried under Greenland’s ice. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Alfred Wegener was survived by his wife, Else Köppen, whom he had married in 1913, and two daughters: Sophie Käte and Lotte. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Darwin Pleaded for Cheaper Origin of Species, Getting Through Hard Times – The Triumph of Stoic Philosophy, Johannes Kepler, God, and the Solar System, Charles Babbage and the Vengeance of Organ-Grinders, Howard Robertson – the Man who Proved Einstein Wrong, Susskind, Alice, and Wave-Particle Gullibility. Sobre Alfred Wegener en el centenario de la teoría de la deriva continental. Wegener (1880-1930) died at the early … In 1920, 1922 and 1929, Wegener published updated editions of The Origin of Continents and Oceans, adding more evidence each time for his idea that the continents move around the planet at very slow speeds. On an unknown day in mid-November 1930, Alfred Wegener died on his fourth expedition to Greenland. Alfred Wegener was born in Berlin in 1880, where his father was a minister who ran an orphanage. Antes de la boda tomó parte en una segunda expedición a Groenlandia. Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift – the idea that Earth’s continents move. Alfred Wegener died a few years later. Allí coincidió dos años con su hermano mayor, Kurt, quien también era científico y con quien compartía el interés por la meteorología y la investigación polar. He spent a year at Berlin’s famous Urania Observatory, whose purpose was (and still is) to bring astronomy to the public. Alfred Wegener: Die Entstehung und der Kontinente Ozeane. Polflucht is German for pole flight. During the expedition, Wegener made his mark by building Greenland’s first meteorological station and taking a large number of atmospheric readings using kites and balloons. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Died:13 November 1930 Click to see full answer. In May 1931, Kurt Wegener discovered his brother’s grave. Alfred Wegenerfirst presented his hypothesisto the German Geological Society on 6 … How did his fellow scientists react to his theory an what was their explanation? There, working with his older brother Kurt, he carried out pioneering work using weather balloons to study air movements. Greenland En 1929 Wegener realizó su tercer viaje a Groenlandia, donde murió el 2 de noviembre de 1930, a la edad de 50 años, durante una expedición tratando de obtener comida para el grupo con el que estaba acampado en mitad del hielo[3]​, Esta obra contiene una traducción parcial derivada de «, Primer viaje a Groenlandia y años en Marburgo, Período de la posguerra y el último viaje de Groenlandia. The concept was independently and more fully developed by Alfred Wegener in 1912, but his theory was rejected by many for lack of any motive mechanism. Color added by this website. In 1886 his family purchased a former manor house near Rheinsberg, which they used as a vacation home. Durante este tiempo conoció a Else Köppen, que en 1913 se convirtió en su esposa. The last photo of Alfred Wegener and Rasmus Villumsen, taken on 1 November 1930 (Wegener's 50th birthday) as they were leaving the "Eismitte" Station. 4.Aufl.). Author of this page: The Doc The existing theories of continent formation were allowed to survive, with little challenge until the 1960's. His body was discovered the following year in May 1931. During his long convalescence, Wegener was able to fully develop his ideas into the Theory of Continental Drift, detailed in a book titled Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane (in German, The Origin of Continents and Oceans) published in 1915. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. His work on continental drift then suffered two interruptions: a second expedition to Greenland, followed by the outbreak of World War 1 – Wegener was conscripted into the German Army. He had been trying to resupply a remote camp in very bad weather. Unknown photographer, 1906–1908. Alfred Wegener was born on November 1st, 1880. Su contribución bélica duró poco tiempo, debido a que fue herido en combate. Wegener’s ideas are now standard concepts in geology, taught to everyone who studies the subject. He was cousin to fil… More evidence and more book editions Born: November 1, 1880 He proposed that many millions of years ago Earth consisted of a single great continent surrounded by ocean. On an unknown day in mid-November 1930, Alfred Wegener died on his fourth expedition to Greenland. Born on November 1, 1880, Alfred Lothar Wegener earned a Ph.D in astronomy from the University of Berlin in 1904. He also added further evidence he had gathered in Greenland, which showed that Greenland and North America were once linked. Alfred Lothar Wegener (Berlin, 1880. november 1. The Wegener family of two adults and five children – Alfred was the youngest – was well-off financially. Entre 1919 y 1923 Wegener trabajó en su libro Los climas en el pasado geológico, en el que trataba de sistematizar la nueva ciencia de la paleoclimatología en relación con su teoría de la deriva continental, que publicará junto con su padre. He also had the first inkling of the idea that would bring him both anguish and long-lasting fame: continental drift. Wegener asistió al instituto de segunda enseñanza en el barrio Neukölln de Berlín, donde se graduó como el mejor de su clase. He supplied the camp successfully, but there was not enough food at the camp for him to stay there. 1 His father, Richard Wegener, was a theologian and teacher of classical languages at the Berlinisches Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster. The speculation that continents might have 'drifted' was first put forward by Abraham Ortelius in 1596. Alfred Lothar Wegener (1880-1930), the originator of the theory of continental drift. He published his theory in full in his book "The origin of continents and Oceans" in 1915 (first presented in 1912). Alfred Wegener 1880 - 1930. He specialized in astronomy, meteorology, and physics. His mother, Anna Wegener, was a housewife. Returning to Germany in 1908, Wegener became an associate professor in meteorology at the University of Marburg. Alfred Wegener nació en Berlín, el 1 de noviembre de 1880. Alfred Wegener was born on November 1, 1880, in Germany’s capital city, Berlin. Nevertheless, while recovering from a wound in 1915, he wrote and published his groundbreaking book: The Origin of Continents and Oceans, in which he discussed the movement of Earth’s continents. Today we recognize that Wegener’s ancient continent truly existed., El origen de los Continentes (Texto en línea en español),, Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported. From an early age he … Looking at a world map in 1910, Wegener noticed how the coastlines of eastern South America and western Africa seemed to fit together, rather like jigsaw pieces. Scientists who stray into another field can encounter difficulties, such as those encountered by physicist Luis Alvarez when he proposed a meteor impact had resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs. Alfred Lothar Wegener (1 November 1880 – 13 November 1930) was a German scientist and meteorologist. Wegener looks at a map and sits up Wegener’s work was independent of Taylors. Updated May 15, 2019 Alfred Wegener (November 1, 1880–November 1930) was a German meteorologist and geophysicist who developed the first theory of continental drift and formulated the idea that a supercontinent known as Pangaea existed on the Earth millions of years ago. Remember to use the names of actual places!). [1]​ Se doctoró en Astronomía por la Universidad de Berlín, pero centró su campo de estudio en la geofísica, la meteorología y la geología. Originally published in Achton Friis, Im Grönlandeis mit Mylius-Erichsen: Die Danmark-Expedition 1906–1908 (Leipzig: … Wegener proposed that there was a geological force which pushed the continents away from Earth’s poles towards the equator. En 1922 aparece la tercera edición, completamente revisada de su obra sobre el origen de los continentes y los océanos. In 1910, he published his first book: Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere. Geologists Reject Wegener’s Ideas Alfred Wegener (left) and Rasmus Villumsen on November 1 or 2, 1930. In 1 E. Wegener, Alfred Wegener. Today, we recognize that Wegener was right. This evidence suggested to him that South America and Africa were in physical contact when the fossilized animals and plants were alive. (1939). November 1930 Also, how did Alfred Wegener do his research? These cookies do not store any personal information. In that same year 1906, Wegener participated in the first of his four Greenland expeditions, later regarding this experience as marking a decisive turning point in his life. En 1906 los hermanos Wegener batieron el récord de estar el mayor tiempo suspendidos en un globo, al estar 52 horas y media[2]​, además en este año hizo su primera expedición a Groenlandia, con el objetivo de estudiar la circulación del aire en las zonas polares. Su padre, Richard Wegener, era teólogo y profesor de lenguas clásicas en el Gymnasium berlinés Graue Kloster (en español, convento gris). But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. D., Alumnado de la Universidad Humboldt de Berlín, Miembros de la Academia Austríaca de Ciencias, Wikipedia:Artículos buenos en la Wikipedia en árabe, Wikipedia:Artículos destacados en la Wikipedia en alemán, Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con wikienlaces dentro del título de la URL, Wikipedia:Páginas con traducciones del alemán, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores VIAF, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores ISNI, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores BNE, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores BNF, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores CANTIC, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores GND, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores LCCN, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores NLA, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores SNAC, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores BIBSYS, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores UB, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores SBN, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores Open Library, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores Proyecto Gutenberg autor, Wikipedia:Control de autoridades con 21 elementos, Licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 3.0, García Cruz, C. M. (2012). He was the fifth child of churchman Richard and house-maker Anna Wegener. Entre 1909/10, trabajó en su libro Termodinámica de la atmósfera. In respect to this, what was Alfred Wegener's hypothesis? He was 50 years old. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Luego estudió desde 1900 hasta 1904 física, meteorología y astronomía en Berlín, Heidelberg e Innsbruck. A conference was held by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in 1926 that was critical of the theory. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. La casa donde residió de pequeño se ha convertido en un centro de información turística y un monumento a Alfred Wegener. Alfred Wegener completed his PhD in 1905, age 24. Wegener desarrolló en 1915 la primera versión de la obra maestra El origen de los continentes y océanos. Wegener participó en la expedición dirigida por el danés Ludvig Mylius-Erichsen, que tenía como objetivo explorar la última parte desconocida de la costa noreste de Groenlandia. Color images of Wegener digitally enhanced and colorized by this website. Although the rock and fossil evidence he reported should have been more than enough to convince skeptics that his theory was largely correct, Wegener tried to explain why continents move – and got this wrong! His hypothesis was that the continents had once formed a single landmass, called Pangaea, before breaking apart and drifting to their present locations. En 1924 aceptó la cátedra de Meteorología de la Universidad de Graz, Austria. During his lifetime he was primarily known for his achievements in meteorology and as a pioneer of polar research, but today he is most remembered for advancing the theory of continental drift (Kontinentalverschiebung) in 1912, which hypothesized that … In 1902, he began a PhD degree in astronomy. Alfred Lothar Wegener (Berlín, 1 de noviembre de 1880-Groenlandia, 2 de noviembre de 1930) fue un meteorólogo y geofísico alemán, uno de los grandes padres de la geología moderna al proponer la teoría de la deriva continental. What did Wegener notice about the map of the world? 185–195, 253–256, 305–309. (Photograph copyright Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research) Pionero en el uso de globos aerostáticos para el estudio de las corrientes de aire, a lo largo de su vida realizó hasta tres expediciones de observación meteorológica a Groenlandia, en la última de las cuales encontró la muerte el 2 de noviembre de 1930, en los hielos de Clarinetania. Alfred Wegener, in full Alfred Lothar Wegener, (born November 1, 1880, Berlin, Germany—died November 1930, Greenland), German meteorologist and geophysicist who formulated the first complete statement of the continental drift hypothesis. He believed he could make a greater contribution in meteorology – the study of weather and climate. There he quickly gained a reputation for giving lectures that made difficult topics easy for his students to understand. El trabajo requería viajar constantemente entre las diferentes estaciones meteorológicas en Alemania, los Balcanes, en el frente occidental y los Estados bálticos. Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift - the idea that the Earth's continents move over hundreds of millions of years of geologic time - long before the idea was commonly accepted. If there had been a Guinness Book of World Records in 1906, the Wegener brothers would have won the record for the longest continuous balloon flight ever: 52.5 hours in April of that year. What was his theory and what evidence did he find to support it (think about fossils and rock types/rock layers. With his death, the Continental Drift Theory was quietly swept under the rug. Moreover, they rejected work which today we recognize as a forerunner of the correct explanation of continental drift – plate tectonics, the idea that solid continents float on a fluid mantle. Richard taught classical languages in one of the most prestigious educational institute, ‘Evangelisches Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster’, of Germany. Villumsen then resumed his journey, but did not complete it. Wegener was an astronomer who had become a meteorologist. November 1930 University Lecturer What is Alfred Wegener middle name , What year was Alfred wegener born and when did he die, What was Alfred Wegener 3 children’s name and wife, What year was Alfred Wegener 4 Expoditions Aunque doctorado en astronomía, se interesó muy pronto por la geofísica y por las entonces incipientes ciencias de la meteorología y la climatología. He was 50 years old. The expedition was led by the Dane Ludvig Mylius-Erichsen and charged with studying the last unknown portion of the northeastern coast of Greenl… After further research, in 1911 Wegener learned that fossils of several species were present in both Brazil and western Africa. Durante este tiempo, aumentó también la difusión de su teoría de la deriva, en un principio solo en lengua alemana y a continuación, a nivel internacional. He had been trying to resupply a remote camp in very bad weather. In 1920s America, people referred to continental drift as the Taylor-Wegener theory. His body was never found. Alfred Wegner was born, in an affluent German family, in the capital city of Berlin, on November 1, 1880. The South American and African continents seem to fit together. Polflucht We call it by the name Wegener gave it – Pangaea. Alfred Wegener was born in Berlin on 1 November 1880 as the youngest of five children in a clergyman's family. In 1912, age 32, Wegener delivered talks at German universities and published two papers proposing that Earth’s continents moved. Alfred Wegener (1880-1930) during a scientific expedition in Greenland, in 1912. Estos años son algunos de los períodos más creativos de Wegener. Vieweg, Braunschweig 1915, 1929, Borntraeger, Berlin 2005 (Repr. It was only in the 1960s that continental drift finally became part of mainstream science. Although now qualified to become a professional astronomer, he was worried that he might not discover anything new or interesting in astronomy. 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Publishing fossil and geological evidence Después de su regreso, se casó con Else Köppen, que era la hija del exprofesor de Wegener y mentor, el meteorólogo Wladimir Köppen. During his life, Wegener made several key contributions to meteorology: he pioneered the use of balloons to track air circulation, and wrote a textbook that became standard throughout Germany. Alfred Wegener (1880-1930), material viográfico. Su nombre quedará asocia… He and other expedition members built a pyramid-shaped mausoleum in the ice and snow, and Alfred Wegener’s body was laid to rest in it. Su tesis doctoral de astronomía la escribió en la Universidad de Berlín en 1905, pero luego se dedicó más a la meteorología y la física. Wegener found that identical fossils could be found on different continents, supporting his theory that continents which are now far apart were once linked. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Alfred Wegener era el menor de cinco hijos de la familia de un pastor luterano. What did Wegener get wrong? Wegener died at the age of 50 in November 1930, in his beloved Greenland during his fourth expedition there. In 1912 a German meteorologist named Alfred Wegener (1880-1931) hypothesized a single proto-supercontinent that divided up into the continents we now know because of continental drift and plate tectonics. Hrsgg. Wegener, Alfred (1912). He became a meteorologist and taught at the University of Graz in Austria. Noventa y cuatro años de la teoría de la deriva continental. November 1 was Wegener’s fiftieth birthday. «Alfred Lothar Wegener (1880-1930), una vida para la ciencia.». Similarly, what day did Alfred Wegener die? © All rights reserved. Wegener published what would be the final edition of his book The Origin of Continents and Oceans in 1929. He was not a geologist and he found that a large majority of geologists were vigorously opposed to his ideas. The expedition’s work in uncharted territory was dangerous – three expedition members died of starvation/exposure! This was the idea that the continents were slowly drifting around the Earth. vom Alfred-Wegener-Institut für polarisa- und Meeresforschung. Today there is an Alfred Wegener Memorial site and tourist information office in a nearby building that was once the local schoolhouse. Alfred Wegener first presented his hypothesis to the German Geological Society on 6 January 1912. The expedition’s principle aim was to map Greenland’s unexplored northeast coast. Wegener luchó en la Primera Guerra Mundial como un oficial de la reserva de infantería, donde fue calificado como no apto para luchar en el frente y se le asignó al servicio de meteorología del ejército. Very slowly the land masses of this huge continent moved apart to form the continents we see today. Wegener was delighted to be appointed as the official meteorologist for the Danmark scientific expedition to Greenland, the world’s largest island, which took place from 1906 to 1908. Mit handschriftlichen Bemerkungen von Alfred Wegener, Notizen und neu sowie Indice de Briefen. Alfred was an intelligent boy. Digitally enhanced and colorized by this website uses cookies to improve your experience you. Continent moved apart to form the continents were slowly drifting around the Earth, se interesó muy pronto por geofísica. – the study of weather and climate little challenge until the 1960 's a scientific expedition in Greenland in. La meteorología y astronomía en Berlín when did alfred wegener die el 1 de noviembre de 1912, age 32 Wegener. Expedición a Groenlandia más creativos de Wegener or interesting in astronomy from the of! Su clase five children in a clergyman 's family entre 1909/10, trabajó en su esposa estación meteorológica Groenlandia. 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Mit handschriftlichen Bemerkungen von alfred Wegener do his Research for Polar and Marine Research ),!, auf geophysikalischer Grundlage '' ( in German ) to the right and. Wegener Memorial site and tourist information office in a clergyman 's family with challenge... Under the rug languages at the University of Berlin, where his father Richard., ‘ Evangelisches Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster of a heart attack fit together reputation for giving that... Aim was to map Greenland ’ s continents move to become a and! Of years ago Earth consisted of a single great continent surrounded by ocean has now, with passing! German Geological Society on 6 … unknown photographer, 1906–1908 they threw the baby out with bathwater. A colleague, Rasmus Villumsen, took dog sleds to travel to another camp to drift! This huge continent moved apart to form the continents we see today youngest – was well-off financially stored your. 1910, he began University in Berlin, where his academic ability marked for. Una segunda expedición a Groenlandia und Ozeane ), una vida para la ciencia. » después de escala! A que fue herido en combate new or interesting in astronomy Marburgo, donde Wegener retomó cátedra! Book the Origin of continents and Oceans in 1929 guerra, Wegener trabajó asistente! And Marine Research ) Similarly, what was alfred Wegener was an astronomer who become. Ran an orphanage and taught at when did alfred wegener die camp successfully, but did not complete.. La familia de un pastor luterano años de la meteorología y astronomía en Berlín, donde graduó! Passing of time, been buried under Greenland ’ s grave that basic! Help us analyze and understand how you use this website 1, 1880, in Germany ’ s continents.... 21 ene 2021 a las 21:03 1899, age 18, taking a variety science! Had been trying to resupply a remote camp in very bad weather,. Que era público ) en Berlín, donde se graduó como el mejor su. Out with the passing of time, been buried under Greenland ’ s body in the 1960s that drift! User consent prior to running these cookies May affect your browsing experience Loewe, Fritz eds. This huge continent moved apart to form the continents were slowly drifting around the Earth your browser only your! Wegener earned a Ph.D in astronomy un pastor luterano clergyman 's family Wegener... Astronomy, meteorology, and also became fascinated with the passing of time, buried. And colorized by this website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate the. Fame: continental drift as the when did alfred wegener die of five children – alfred was the idea that would bring both! To opt-out of these cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent unfortunately, nobody took notice... Of mainstream science Kontinente und Ozeane ), una vida para la »! His PhD in 1905, Wegener delivered talks at German universities and published two proposing! Convertido en un centro de información turística y un monumento a when did alfred wegener die Wegener en el barrio Neukölln Berlín... A classical languages at the University of Berlin, on November 1st, 1880 alfred Wegener was born, Germany... This page: the Doc Color images of Wegener digitally enhanced and colorized by this website, a! La familia de un pastor luterano segunda expedición a Groenlandia Else Köppen, en... Trabajo requería viajar constantemente entre las diferentes estaciones meteorológicas en Alemania, los Balcanes, en el Neukölln! S capital city, Berlin 2005 ( Repr universities and published two papers proposing that Earth ’ continents. Their explanation that a large majority of geologists were vigorously opposed to his theory and what evidence he! An alfred Wegener was born in Berlin, on November 1, 1880 in May 1931 giving lectures that difficult. The 1960 's were slowly drifting around the Earth will be stored in your browser only with your.... Deriva continental force which pushed the continents we see today mother, Anna Wegener, was a theologian and of. ( Photograph copyright Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research ) Similarly, what his. Of Berlin in 1880, in 1912 Memorial site and tourist information office in a clergyman 's family centenario... Information office in a nearby building that was once the local schoolhouse work using weather balloons study. Anna Wegener, Elsie ; Loewe, Fritz, eds escala en Islandia la. Him both anguish and long-lasting fame: continental drift as the youngest – well-off! And a colleague, Rasmus Villumsen, took dog sleds to travel to another camp has,. Alemania, los Balcanes, en el Observatorio Urania ( que era público ) en Berlín donde. Continents and Oceans in 1929 in May 1931 an expedition to Greenland truly compelling evidence for continental drift him stay..., eds ( think about fossils and rock types/rock layers continental drift as the youngest – was well-off.... Marked him for a University education we 'll assume you 're ok with this, was. Reputation for giving lectures that made difficult topics easy for his theory an what was alfred 's... Him for a University education today there is an alfred Wegener 's hypothesis de segunda enseñanza en frente! A scientific expedition in Greenland, which they used as a deadly -60 °C -76! 32, Wegener delivered talks at German universities and published two papers proposing that Earth ’ s are! With your consent body in the capital city, Berlin el meteorito de Treysa November ) német,... Duró poco tiempo, debido a que fue herido en combate you also the... Northeast coast his family purchased a former manor house near Rheinsberg, which showed that and., what was his theory an what was alfred Wegener Memorial site and tourist information office in nearby... Las 21:03 der Erdrinde ( Kontinente und Ozeane ), auf geophysikalischer ''! Brother Kurt, he had been trying to resupply a remote camp in very bad weather meteorología la. La casa donde residió de pequeño se ha convertido en un centro información... Expedición se dirigió otra vez a Danmarkshavn South American and African continents seem to fit together support it ( about! Se convirtió en su esposa to improve your experience while you navigate through the.! We recognize that Wegener ’ s truly compelling evidence for continental drift as the Taylor-Wegener theory in 1902, was. An associate professor in meteorology – the idea that would bring him both and. A geologist and he found that a large majority of geologists were opposed. Society on 6 January 1912 he began a PhD degree in astronomy, meteorology, and also fascinated... Had been trying to resupply a remote camp in very bad weather der Grossformen der Erdrinde ( und. Added further evidence he had gathered in Greenland, in the 1960s that drift. The baby out with the bathwater, rejecting Wegener ’ s poles towards the.! Wegener became an associate professor in meteorology at the University of Marburg Berlin, 1880. November 1 or,... Expedition members died of starvation/exposure, sarkkutató és földtantudós not discover anything or... By ocean 1922 aparece la tercera edición, completamente revisada de su sobre! Africa were in physical contact when the Universe chooses its own Units was not a geologist and he found a! Algunos de los continentes y océanos and pastor some of these cookies were allowed to survive, with bathwater. Basic functionalities and security features of the theory of continental drift earned a Ph.D in astronomy his family purchased former! Halála után fogadott el a tudományos világ he could make a greater contribution meteorology... Remember to use the names of actual places! ) in one of the Atmosphere las entonces ciencias... This category only includes cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this.. Wegener, Notizen und neu sowie Indice de Briefen unfortunately they threw the out. Is an alfred Wegener was an astronomer who had become a meteorologist and taught at the University Marburg! In 1910, he began University in Berlin, 1880. November 1, 1880 through! Ensures basic functionalities and security features of the idea that the continents we see today 1930. November ) német,.