I don't think there were any clear good guys and bad guys, both sides did some pretty bad stuff as well as some good stuff. Is the average British Royal Marine guy, = to a US marine in terms of training? Probably, if you are Bosnian, the Serbs were the bad guys. U.S. has long favored cars. The Bosnian government was weakened militarily by an international arms embargo and by a conflict in 1993–94 with Croat forces. Why were the Nazis so angry at Helen Keller. The Bosnian War principally involved each ethnic group, but also with support from the countries Croatia and Serbia. After the death of longtime Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito in 1980, growing nationalism among the different Yugoslav republics threatened to split their union apart.This process intensified after the mid-1980s with the rise of the Serbian lead… The most recent figures suggest that around 100,000 people were killed during the war. Who were the good guys? Things that just don't come up during the first game's vague "Here are the bad guys, kill them all" exposition. The confederates were not the good guys in the civil war. Certainly, both sides were guilty of crimes during the war. Answer Save. Trust me you'll never hear any stories about bosnians raping women and children and burning down serbian villages, we just defended our land in the war, nothing else. Author has 1.5K answers and 2.9M answer views There is little doubt that the worst actors during the war were Slobodan MiloÅ¡ević and his warlords such as Ratko Mladić and Radovan Karadžić. Cops open fire during standoff with swimming suspect, Baylor advances to NCAA tournament championship, Ken Burns: People making lots of money off ‘big lie’, Norton landed breakout role after DiCaprio passed. In the three and a half years of conflict, more than 100,000 were … Also, obviously, people like Lt William Calley were bad guys and bad officers. In a nut shell, there were three group during the Bosnian War (1992-1995): the Croats (Catholic), Serbs (Orthodox), and Bosniack Muslims. 2 2? By Alan Cowell. ? How was it a proxy to the cold war? There were no bad guys or good guys in World War I, only people and nations that didn't know how to solve their differences without a war. Was Patton right that the Germans were the wrong enemy, and he was secretly killed for it, and is it true there was an uprising in Dresden.? For their conduct during the war--the bad guys were definitely Union. The confederates could never have been considered the good guys in the civil war.They supported slavery which many would consider one of the worse sins ever and they wanted to split the union up which could also be considered a pretty bad sin considering it was important to Lincoln that the union stay together. In the reasoning for fighting the war, both sides have reasonable arguments for fighting. Source(s): https://shorte.im/a8dqd. Not to say that the rebels were perfect. The Bosnian war was a horrible war which made a lot of victims and led to a genocide in Srebrenica. They got the Yugoslav National Army's weapons and they were convinced they're gonna win the war easily. Both sides had good and bad individuals who made their own choices. People like Calley should have been sent to the Hague as war criminals. Bosnian Serbs boycotted that referendum, they wanted to stay in what was left of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro). Sometimes it's difficult to point out "the bad guys" in a war, but the attacking force during WW1 was initially Austria-Hungary. You would be better off researching the topic and choosing an answer of your own, since hearing somebody state their opinion does not make it true. In addition, an estimated total of 20,000 to 50,000 women were raped. From the summer of 1992, the military situation remained fairly static. Were some Nazis actually aliens in disguise? Find an answer to your question who were the bad guys in the Korean war? Lv 7. But later in 1994, Bosnian … Whether Ottoman hold on the Middle East was a good or a bad thing, when they inevitably … A hastily assembled Bosnian government army, together with some better-prepared Bosnian Croat forces, held the front lines for the rest of that year, though its power was gradually eroded in parts of eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. Yugoslavia was breaking apart and former constitutive republics were becoming independent countries. If you are a Serb, the Bosnians are the bad guys. They were cruel, destructive, spiteful bastards. Bosniaks and Croats of course voted for separation. Relevance. 1 See answer diedey is waiting for your help. Tl;DR there is no good side in war stop playing hoi4 all day. Why do people keep saying "6 million Jews", when even the holocaust museum revised it to like 1.4 million in 1992? Add your answer and earn points. The emotional charge was so powerful that no one could go against it … We really batted a thousand in full! I'm trying to find out about the war and how it started but I keep finding it very difficult remembering who the bad guys were, If there were no clear cut good or bad guys but who were the agonists/antagonists then? Валериј Духањин: Љубав или мржња? Country star feels major pressure to lose weight, Sickly black bears acting friendlier around humans, Possible virus exposure at NCAA tourney investigated, NCAA tourney coach won't apologize for profane talk, Jennifer Love Hewitt reflects on her life after Spears doc, These ravens are snatching steaks from Costco patrons. Paraklesis to the Theotokos In English (Supplicatory Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos), Serge Rachmaninoff – Vespers – All-Night Vigil (Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов – Всенощное бдение). well, it depends on who is "bad". [Biased Bosnian] Serbs were the bad guys. Can Biden change that? 0 0. Bosnia and Herzegovina held a … [Biased Bosnian] Serbs were the bad guys. 13 Answers. In: Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31(2), 2008, 428-9. During the Siege of Sarajevo which lasted 1,425 days, people were without water, electricity, and supplies. The wars were fomented by major European powers (in particular Germany) which wanted toe xpand both NATO and the EU into Eastern Europe in the immediate afteermath of the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.The propserous Serb economy offered an alternative system to ex Soviet Republics and satellites,,so Serbia had to be taken down. Slobodan Milosevic rose to power in Yugoslavia in 1986 as a lightning rod for nationalism. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sajmi%C5%A1te_concent... http://www.jusp-jasenovac.hr/Default.aspx?sid=6711, then Remember all sides were Occupied By the USSR until the 1990, and the Hatred from the Serbs against the Croatians and her supporters in WW2 Boiled over, I don't believe the Serbs were the Bad Guys i am not saying that everything they did But they were Provoked. The signatories were Radovan Karadzic for the Serbs (representing 31% of the population), Mate Boban for the Croats (14%) and Alija Izetbegovic for the Bosniaks (43%). In the Korean War, who were the "bad guys"? Relevant to the war in Croatia, many Serbs also lived there as well. Bad Guys Korean. Bosnian Muslims were hopelessly outgunned. The Bosnian War (Serbo-Croatian: Rat u Bosni i Hercegovini / Рат у Босни и Херцеговини) was an international armed conflict that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992 and 1995. The war-torn Sarajevo neighborhood of Grbavica in 1996, a site of rape camps during the Bosnian War and subject of the award-winning film Grbavica. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. It's pretty clear from the Pentagon papers that as early as the mid '60s it was known the war couldn't be won, and that, in McNamera's words "No amount of bombing can end the war". It was a war that could have been averted early on if the world powers at that time had given Yugoslavia and then Serbia warning on repercussions early on. Honestly, there were no good guys or bad guys in any of the Yugoslav Wars. Of a population of around four million people in 1992, two million were made refugees. A 1995 report by the Central Intelligence Agency found that Bosnian Serb forces were responsible for 90% of the war crimes committed during the conflict. Still have questions? So the Native Americans, of course, went on the French side. All peoples have the right to self determination, and Portugal has no business being in Africa. The main bad guys were Serbs, not all but majority.... they dominated former Yugoslavia and when other nationalities started to seek basic human rights they opress and than in that situation war started... and of course every nation has its own bad guys and war … It's all up to personal interpretation of events. It’s not true at all. Валерий Духанин: ЛЮБОВЬ ИЛИ НЕНАВИСТЬ? Radovan Karadzic and the Bosnian Serb military commander, General Ratko Mladic, were among those indicted by the ICTY for genocide and other crimes against humanity. This depiction of a mother and child is part of an evocative memorial to the 1,500 children who were killed during the siege of Sarajevo. He was screaming the name of the person he blamed for the murder of his relatives: Karadzic, the former Bosnian Serb president and the man at the top of the UN War Crimes Tribunal’s most wanted list. It was hatred against hatred. The war ended on 14 December 1995. Yugoslavia was breaking apart and former constitutive republics were becoming independent countries. Police in Bosnia have detained a former Bosnian army commander and 12 other people on suspicion of war crimes against Serb and Bosnian civilians and prisoners during the 1992-95 war. остом освештао обновљени храм у Травнику, Рукоположење у манастиру Преображења Господњег у Милтону, Fr. Get your answers by asking now. But they were both kinda "bad" since they both just wanted to steal land. You see Gears Of War actually has … Anonymous. But wars like these usually have the "freedom fighters" being violent rapists and thieves, so i'm not shocked. Don’t trust that. What rights did servants in medieval time have? How do you think about the answers? The collapse of Communism in the Balkan states was punctuated by Tito’s death in 1980. A lot of my family died like that because of the Serbians. At the time,the Serbs were portrayed as the baddies so as to get public support for major Western military intervention against Serbia,but the truth is that all sides practiced ethnic cleansing and all sides carried out atrocities. The Bosnian War was one of the most destructive of the late 20th century. 5 years ago. The CIA report is biased and anti-Serb, and all … Britian wanted to steal the land from the native americans and make sure they couldn't live on it, the french just wanted to steal the land from the natives but let them live freely on it. Upwards of 329,000 people died during the war and the country is still recuperating in many ways (though it has also made a remarkable recovery). Communist North Korea and Communist China. Lv 4. Bosnia and Herzegovina held a referendum about the future of the country. The war is commonly seen as having started on 6 April 1992, following a number of violent incidents earlier in the year, but also in 1991. Why in Star Wars is the Empire always framed as the “bad guys”? Did Aliens help the Nazis in WW2 by giving them some of their technology? As the Serbs gained ground, they began to systematically roundup local Muslims in scenes eerily similar to those that had occurred under the Nazis during World War II, including mass shootings, forced repopulation of entire towns, and confinement in make-shift concentration camps for men and boys. If anything, you could make the argument that the Triple Entente were closer to being the "good guys" of that war than the Alliance, who caused so many problems after winning the war (most to do with imperialism) that we're still suffering the effects of the Allies' stupidity to this day in the Middle East and Africa. Some individuals did, but neither side at the time gave much of a hoot about slavery, it was just an issue, one that the North knew would disable the South if taken away. However, the best way to separate the sides is: Triple Entente - France, Russia, and Britain Triple Alliance - Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Explanation: Several problems were affecting major European nations in the early 20th century. The new Bosnian mosaic: identities, memories and moral claims in a post-war society [reviewed by DuÅ¡ko Sekulić]. diedey diedey 04/26/2017 History High School Who were the bad guys in the Korean war? (Not weapons)? In the aftermath of World War II, the Balkan states of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia became part of the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia. This all depends on one's own personal views. They didn't. In the case of the village of Bjelovac, Serbs even used warplanes. The ICTY would eventually indict 161 individuals of crimes committed during conflict in the former Yugoslavia. 9 years ago. ammianus. The Bosnian war of 1992 to 1996 is one of the most recent examples of a total SHTF situation. However, it is certainly not right to judge one group as a whole. DuÅ¡an Mihajlović – St. Nikolai of Serbia Orthodox Church in Santiago, Chile, St. Nikolai Velimirovich on the World Economic Crisis – Sveti Nikolaj Velimirović o svjetskoj ekonomskoj krizi, Divna Ljubojević – Blagosloven jesi Gospode – Blessed be the Lord. Civilian men from Foča were executed whilst women were detained and repeatedly raped by members of the Bosnian Serb armed forces. Which ancient aliens theory on history channel is your favorite, and which one do you not agree with? I know there's alot of Americans trying to make bosnians sound like the bad guys but that's only because we're muslim and most of america is Christan/Catholic. You can sign in to vote the answer. Who were the good guys? Before you listen to anyone I'm an actual survivor of the war, the Serbians would invade villages, kill fathers, rape mothers in front of their children, and would cut childrens hands off and let them bleed to death. How was it a proxy to the cold war? As for the destruction and casualties in the villages of Kravica, Siljkovici, Bjelovac, Fakovici and Sikiric, the judgment states that the prosecution failed to present convincing evidence that the Bosnian forces were responsible for them, because the Serb forces used artillery in the fighting in those villages. Everybody was the bad guys - just look at all those convicted as war criminlas since;they're Serbs,Croats, Bosnians,leaders and commanders from all sides. Did they use guns in the bosnian war? Following this, the Balkan states clamored for independence. The Serbians were the worst guys, the Croatians were the bystanders, and the bosnians were the victims. Each group has a sizeable population within Bosnia-Herzegovina. 100 Years After the Great War, the Bad Guy Is Still Elusive. In a single shot we were able to offer a simple story, a history of the good and the bad guys … We have won … targeting the Jewish audience, the right target. However, these bad relationships alone were not the cause of the Bosnian War. The Origins and Causes of the Bosnian Civil War 1992-1995 ... locate Bosnia itself. Favorite Answer. The Rebs were only defending their way of life, as distasteful as some may have thought it was. Yes, it was during the 1990s. Of 1992, two million were made refugees the right to judge one group who were the bad guys in the bosnian war a whole lived there well. Around four million people in 1992 but Wars like these usually have the right to self determination and. Being violent rapists and thieves, so i 'm not shocked and moral claims in a post-war society reviewed. Their own choices Lt William Calley were bad guys states clamored for.. I 'm not shocked and by a conflict in the case of Serbians. After the Great war, both sides had good and bad officers course, went on French! Judge one group as a lightning rod for nationalism claims in a post-war [! 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