One of the most controversial subjects regarding the ancient prehistoric cultures of North America concerns what we refer to as the Unique Physical Types (UPT). I read an omitted book from The Holy Bible; that indeed tells me what I suspected was true Gilgamesh an Nimrod was the same person. The center of culture and government in Albion is the city of Camelot, the former seat of the throne of Arthur. To ensure winning, Hercules summoned his father Zeus and a shower of stones fell from the sky. Because of this, the people who lived there did not have to farm and lived out an idyllic existence. Since Gog Magog was brought up in this article along with Japheth then I'll share what could arguably be A Possibility. Camelot was a mythical castled city, said to be located in Great Britain, where King Arthur held court. The Arthurian Legends are extremely ancient archetypal memories of humanity’s origins that go back into the Galactic History of Lyra and Gaia, as these particular memories have been seeded directly into the Albion Lightbody in the United Kingdom. This article investigates not only the origins of Britain. The other stories continue in this vein, and it was only when the printing press was developed in the Victorian age that the story was toned down, and it transformed into the children's classic Jack and the Beanstalk . Arthurian Legends by Arthurian Legends Darkness Descends Upon Albion In a time before Camelot, magic coursed through the veins of Albion and for generations the people learned to harness this power, and as with all things in nature, they understood there was a balance. And whether the ‘lamb of God’ himself walked here. Little is known about Freya's early life. During the tightly fought match, Gogmagog broke three of Corineus’ ribs, and he was so enraged, he hoisted Gogmagog up on his shoulders with superhuman strength and ran to the cliff where he threw him off to his death. Here are a few intriguing examples: St. Michael’s Mount photographed in 1903 with added color. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. Why did Japheth name a Son after some Giant they were apart of Earth's History and most likely He wanted Them to be Great Warriors of Re-known just like Gog Magog was to him and the fact God gave the true inheritors of Earth our Ancestors the Divine Strength too eradicate The Clan of Giant's. The essence of Albion and of Arthur, the ‘once and future king’ are still deeply felt here and are represented in myriad ways throughout our culture. Saracen: The Saracen are highly dextrous and make great choices for aspiring scouts. “Assistance” really meant, “ mated with ” and with their offspring a new ruling giant elite were founded. Known as ‘nuraghe’, these are the primary... Gilgamesh is one of the greatest heroes of the ancient Middle Eastern world. She lived there until her family died under unspecified circumstances. Although Pakistan is an Islamic Republic, with more than 95% of its population being adherents of Islam, the Kalash people hold on to their own religious beliefs, along with their own identity, way of life, and language. (Image via Author). 4. But an enduring legend relates that Albion is named after the leader of a race of giants who journeyed to this island after the Flood. Anyway, the ferocious giant attacked Corineus’ camp with twenty of his kin. The violent chronicles of Britain’s most famous giant hunter stretch far back into prehistory, to the times when the giants and humans were attempting to co-exist, before the arrival of Brutus. The basic understanding so history isn't lost Japheth, Ham, Shem named their children after the Flood after those who lived in the Pre-Flood Era the children would have had some insight through Great-granddad Noah. “He was begotten by the sea-god whom the Greeks called Poseidon, the Romans Neptune.” In Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland, by Raphael Holinshed, Albion and the giants were said to have gradually consolidated their position in Britain, ruling the land for hundreds or possibly thousands of years. Legend has it that beneath the hill in a cavern stretching the outcrop of sandstone, King Arthur and the knights of the round table lie sleeping. Where Albion was finally defeated in a battle with Hercules are two examples of gigantic skeletons being unearthed: Two examples of giant discoveries in old Gaul. True, in-game Legends that are known to almost every player in the… The Titans had special abilities inherited from their Angelic Father's; but, I think other than size The Giant's had No abilities which is why Brutus of Troy was able to defeat these specific Giant's later in British History. Here they stayed, and with the assistance of demons they populated the wild, windswept islands with a race of giants.”. Wood, Giants and Dwarves, (1868), p.28, The Story of Gog and Magog. The name Albion having moon sign as Aries is represented by The Ram and considered as Cardinal. The most famous story is that he defeated the terrible Cormoran on St Michael’s Mount. Modern attempts to publish a recognised translation of the Tysilio Chronicle have been repeatedly blocked by the Academic establishment, but are available online. The Greeks made an distinction in their stories between; the Titan's, The Giant's, and The Cyclops. Flinders Petrie attacked the Royal Society in 1917 over their rejection of Monmouth's account as Christian Myth, stating the source material, called the Tysilio Chronicle, was sitting ignored in the Bodleian Library. According to The Bible, children of the Fallen Angel's were said to be Warrior's of Age, Old and Re-known. Arthurian Legend For centuries, Adepts of the genuine Western Way have maintained a secrecy surrounding the ancient sites of the Tradition. Places with other associations to Arthurian legend Alderley Edge in Cheshire. It is a common practice for people to name their children after people in History. In Arthurian legends, Albion is a name for the island of Britain. Especially of note are the disturbing stories of the legions of undea… Geoffrey of Monmouth’s influential 12th century Historia Regum Britanniae ( History of the Kings of Britain ) has caused one of the biggest controversies regarding the founding of Britain. Alexandre. The Race of Giant's are becoming my favorite Subject to discuss. In many traditions such giants are the gigantic ‘men of renown’; the Nephilim spoken of in the Bible who were progeny of the ‘sons of gods and the daughters of men.’ They are also mentioned much earlier in Sumerian history which describes such beings as the offspring of the extra-terrestrial and dragon-like Annunaki and human women. What caught my interest is the reference to Japheth third son of Noah. He decided on the River Thames and founded the city of Troia Nova , or New Troy , which became Trinovantum, we now know as London, with his captured giant in tow. We’re the only Pop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. The first narrative account is from Geoffrey of Monmouth in Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain), 12th Century. Although most scholars regard it as being entirely fictional, there are many locations that have been linked with King Arthur’s Camelot. It is about ten years after King Arthur’s death. Two giants of Albion are in the background, encountered by a ship carrying Brutus and his men. 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In The Gigantick History of the Two Famous Giants of Guildhall (1741) it proclaims that Gogmagog and Corineus were in fact two giants: “Corineus and Gogmagog were two brave giants who richly valued their honour and exerted their whole strength and force in the defence of their liberty and country; so the City of London, by placing these, their representatives in their Guildhall, emblematically declare, that they will, like mighty giants defend the honour of their country and liberties of this their City; which excels all others, as much as those huge giants exceed in stature the common bulk of mankind.”, Gog and Magog being paraded through London in the Lord Mayor’s Show every November. It's been established that Gog Magog was a Son of a Fallen Watcher Angel. An important section of Geoffrey’s text has Brutus and his men realizing that Albion was already partly populated by unexpectedly tall foes: “It was uninhabited except for a few giants…. Mainly based in Cornwall, his exploits lingered across the whole of Britain. But its importance in the language has slowly faded. Avalon , sometimes written Avallon or Avilion, is a legendary island featured in the Arthurian legend. (Image via author). History. John Matthews is an Arthurian expert and professional storyteller. Is this a 300 million-year-old screw or just a fossilized sea creature? The cliff from which he was thrown became known as Langnagog or ‘The Giants Leap’. Britain’s oldest acknowledged name is thought to be taken from a prehistoric giant king called ‘Albion’ who made his way to the island after being banished from his homeland of Greece. In 175 AD a group of them formed part of a troop of soldiers sent by the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius to Albion under their commander Lucius Artorius Castus. This is likely, as he covered many Arthurian myths, including the giants of ancient Albion. 150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? “Corineus experienced great pleasure from wrestling with the giants, of whom there were far more there than in any of the districts which had been distributed among his comrades. Next time I’ll share how Christianity came to Albion through the dedication of Celtic saints. Geoffrey of Monmouth’s ‘History of the Kings of Britain’ The comprehensive story of King Arthur was first developed in literature by Geoffrey of Monmouth, a monk of Welsh origin, in ‘Historia Regum Britanniae’ – “The … Wh… The people are plagued with hunger and disease, fewer by the day have the strength to fend off the growing hordes of Saxons invading from the east. Wherever it was, the names of Gog and Magog first appear in the Hebrew Bible with reference to Magog, son of Japheth in the Book of Genesis, then Gog, the king of Magog, appears in the Old Testament in Ezekiel (38:2) as the instigator of a terrible battle. In July, during our journey to Albion, we’ll be visiting Tintagel in Cornwall, Arthur’s reputed birthplace and also Glastonbury where his body was discovered in medieval times. Thousands of years after the giants had populated the island, Brutus and other warriors fleeing the Trojan wars landed on the coast of Albion and legend states that the modern name of Britain comes from Brutus. He was presented as a clever young man who often outwitted his gargantuan foes. Maya: Science Only Acknowledges Now What Ancient Sages Knew About Reality 5000 Years Ago, Unearthing Ancient Magic in The Runes –Messages with Hidden Symbols and Powerful Numbers, Petroglyphic Features of Portable Rock Art, The Northern Mysteries Current: Futhark and Mystery Schools of the Viking Age,, The Establishment Has Already Acknowledged A Lost Race of Giants - Part 1, 5 Must See Megaliths of the Mysterious Nuragic People, Nuraghe Palmavera: Examining the Legends of a Mysterious Civilization, Mighty Gilgamesh: Archetype Of The Nephilim, The Anasazi and Anakim: Nephilim Ruins and Evidence of Ritual Murder, The Story of Ragnarok, The Ancient Norse Apocalypse. After a long reign, Albion went to the south of France (Called Gaul at the time) to help his army defeat Hercules. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. In the 1930s, archaeologists uncovered the remains of megalith limestone structures believed to have belonged to the civilization of the Nuragic people. He... about The Establishment Has Already Acknowledged A Lost Race of Giants - Part 1, about 5 Must See Megaliths of the Mysterious Nuragic People, about Nuraghe Palmavera: Examining the Legends of a Mysterious Civilization, about Mighty Gilgamesh: Archetype Of The Nephilim, about The Anasazi and Anakim: Nephilim Ruins and Evidence of Ritual Murder, about The Story of Ragnarok, The Ancient Norse Apocalypse, Ten Things the Ancients Did Better than Us, Rare Arabic Coin Provides Clue in Disappearance of Fugitive Pirate, Mummy With Golden Tongue Found At Possible Site Of Cleopatra’s Tomb. The names even reached Cambridge in Eastern England where the hilly area became known as the ‘Gog Magog Hills’, where interestingly, some taller than average skeletons were unearthed in the 1800s. It first appears in Geoffrey of Monmouth's 1136 Historia Regum Britanniae ("The History of the Kings of Britain") as the place where King Arthur's sword Excalibur was forged and later where Arthur was taken to recover from being gravely wounded at the Battle of Camlann. Since Genesis briefly touches on this and Biblical Book's removed from the scriptures Japheth's Family lived alongside of Giant Clans hard as it is to imagine those clans of Giant's were numerous. The Arthurian legends are extremely ancient archetypal memories of humanity’s origins that go back into the Galactic History of Lyra and Gaia, as these particular memories have been seeded directly into the Albion Lightbody in the United Kingdom. Are the Distinctive Kalash People of Pakistan Really Descendants of Alexander the Great’s Army? Although the founding of Britain is still shrouded in mystery, and Geoffrey’s Histories is clearly jumbled-up versions of older books and myths, the stories of the giants seem to go very far back. I hadn't recognized it because it was I suppose in it's English form Jaffa in The Bible; Joppa. 3. The earliest traditions agree that the first inhabitants of Britain were of the tall persuasion. At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. Albion features 7 playable races: 1. A Monumental Cover Up? This turned into an all-out battle and Corineus and his men called on their local allies and eventually defeated them in a bloody conflict. Since then the island has become a symbol of Arthurian mythology, similar to Arthur's castle Camelot. Jaffa is where it is believed Japheth first entered present day Europe an his Ancestors made that Continent their Home. Why did Gobekli Tepe End Up in the Dirt? The inhabitants of the island were also said to have very long lifespans. After King Arthur was mortally injured at the … Cormoran was then hacked to death by Jack. (Images via author), Geoffrey Ashe, Mythology of the British Isles, (1990) , p.13, Edward J. Arthurian Legend. According to Geoffrey of Monmouth, this was the name of Britain when it was... See full answer below. For more information email: Great Mystery, You are currently subscribed to greatmysterynews as: $subst('Recip.EmailAddr') To unsubscribe send a blank email to,,, Arthurian legend is essentially combined from a wide variety of sources, and there doesn't seem to be a definitive answer. Learn more at It also uncovers a lost legacy of extremely tall and powerful individuals who once ruled this part of the world. He... Read More. Interwoven with this ancient legacy of the origins of Albion is the story of King Arthur who historians are coming to recognize that rather than being a figure of legend, may well have been a late 5th/early 6th century war leader who after the Roman legions left Albion, defended the land against Anglo-Saxon marauders. Among the twelve, there are five female rulers... Teotihuacan’s Lost Kings, a television special, took an hour long look at the great city, its inhabitants, and the excavation of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, (also known as the Feathered Serpent Pyramid.) *Arthur of Albion* A retelling of the Arthurian Legend by John Matthews. The name ‘Avalon’ in fact is related to the Proto-Celtic word “abal” meaning apple. Arthurian Legend Baby Names If you’re looking to name your new baby a name from the Arthurian Legend time period, look no further. [Online] Available at:, Hugh Newman is a world explorer, megalithomaniac and author of Earth Grids: The Secret Pattern of Gaia’s Sacred Sites (2008), co-author of Giants On Record: America’s Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files with Jim Vieira (2015), and Stone Circles (2017). The Copper Age: When Metallurgy Came to Rule the World, Medical Mystery of Usermontu: Why the Discovery of 2,600-Year-Old Knee Screw Left Experts Dumbfounded. St. Michael’s Mount: A prehistoric eight-foot (2.4 meter) skeleton was unearthed from a dungeon on the island 250 years ago, that may well be the giant that Jack was said to have slayed. And his story may have an extraordinary connection with the legendary origins of Albion. Nimrod Gilgamesh when he was born was named after that Titan son of Baraqiel and with the title that Nimrod was Christened "The Mighty Hunter Before The Lord", wouldn't you say he lived up to the name Gilgamesh. She once told Merlinthat she had grown up in a beautiful place next to a lake surrounded by mountains and wild flowers. 2. Artist’s impression of what the chalk-hill figures on Plymouth Hoe may have looked like. Briton: Britons, common people of Camelot, are the quintessential jacks-of-all-trades. A darkness now spreads across Albion, the crops are dying and the water is turning foul. Most people know of or know about The Epic of Gilgamesh right? It was the center of the Kingdom of Logres and in Arthurian legend … The goal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. His body smashed into many pieces after hitting sharp rocks and stained the water red, that “ was so discolored with his blood as to continue tinged with it for a long time .”. Albion. The Kalash (known also as the Kalasha) are an indigenous people living in what is today Pakistan. Mars is the Ruling Planet for the name Albion. Now I never let that feeling go so Imagine my surprise when, Arthurian Legends In a time before Camelot, magic coursed through the veins of Albion and for generations the people learned to harness this power, and as with all things in nature, they understood there was a balance. The region of Lake Van in what is today south-eastern Turkey is generally viewed as a homeland of the Nephilim and also where a group known as the Dimili Kurds come from. This echoes the story of the Grigori (or Watchers) of the Bible, who mated with human women and birthed the mighty Nephilim giants, who have remarkably similar traits to their British counterparts. The Arthurian legends are extremely ancient archetypal memories of humanity’s origins that go back into the Galactic History of Lyra and Gaia, as these particular memories have been seeded directly into the Albion Lightbody in the United Kingdom. Arthurian Legends is a medieval first person action game set in the land of Albion during a time of myth and legend. In Journey into South Wales (1802) George Lipscomb reported: “ a skeleton which measured fourteen feet ten inches in length .”. (Image via author). Camelot was the name of the place where King Arthur held court and was the location of the famous Round Table. Uncovering Ancient Pyramid Science at Teotihuacan, Where Men Become Gods, Vimanas: Greater Understanding on a Hotly Debated Topic. In time, did their traditions, the possible naming of future leaders after their heroic commander and their deepening loyalty to Albion mean that when the Roman legions left, they defended this land and for a time, when the chaos caused by the Fall of the Roman Empire was rampant elsewhere, enable peace to prevail in Albion? Most versions agree that her father had thirty-three wicked daughters, but he managed to find thirty-three husbands to curb their unruly ways. Me a much needed recap, very brief and superficial but like still potent, about the much loved Legend. Dangerous creatures wicked daughters, but are available online Storm: new evidence for ancient Egyptians in Ireland are from... Pursue as human beings is our beginnings Stained Red with Blood: a son of Hercules Slew giants Salcombe. Battle and Corineus wicked daughters, but are available online English form Jaffa albion arthurian legend Arthurian. 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